Juan Arturo Rubio-arostegui

Usos i abusos de la creativitat. Sociologia dels processos creatius, transicions a l'entorn digital i polítiques creatives

La creativitat és una noció que genera una creixent atenció en les ciències socials. Una atenció que corre paral·lela al debat sobre les potencialitats per al desenvolupament econòmic i social de la creativitat com a habilitat professional o com a indústria. No obstant això, de forma creixent sorgeixen lectures crítiques dels abusos d’aquest concepte per a legitimar una digitalització abrupta del camp cultural i la instrumentalització de la cultura per interessos econòmics. Aquest article, a partir de les aportacions de diversos autors de la sociologia (Bourdieu, Collins i Menger) intenta replantejar en quines condicions es pot desenvolupar la creativitat i com el marc de la digitalització …

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Uses and Abuses of Creativity. Sociology of creative processes, transitions to digital and creative policies

Creativity is a notion awakening growing interest in the social sciences. This attention mirrors the debate on the potential economic and social development of creativity as a skill, profession or industry. However, there is also rising critical interpretation of the abuse of this concept, exploited to legitimize the hasty digitization of the cultural field, and of the instrumentalization of culture in pursuit of economic interests. This article is grounded on the contributions of numerous sociologists (Bourdieu, Collins and Menger) in an attempt to reconsider the conditions under which creativity develops, and examine how the framework of digitalization and instrumentalization is shifting …

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El diagnóstico de la crisis de la cultura en España: del recorte público a la crisis sistémica

Since its invention in the fifties, cultural policy has been subject of analysis and reflection by Social Sciences. However, Spain, due to Franco period, has a number of distinguishing features as compared to Western European democracies. With the restoration of democracy, Spain acquires the dominant paradigm of a democratic cultural policy based on freedom, pluralism and the right to culture. However, after decades of democratic governments, diagnosis of cultural policy in Spain shows signs of systemic crisis, added to the impact of the global financial crisis at the beginning of the XXI century. In this context, scholars, using the Delphi method along with secondary sources, identify a se…

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