MRT des Kniegelenkes: Fehleranalyse bezüglich der Meniskus- und Kreuzbanddiagnostik an einem arthroskopisch kontrollierten Patientenkollektiv
PURPOSE To categorise discrepancies in findings of the menisci and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) between arthroscopy and MRI. MATERIALS AND METHODS The MRIs of 236 patients were retrospectively analysed by an experienced radiologist without knowledge of clinical and/or operative findings. Discrepancies in arthroscopic findings were reevaluated together with the arthroscopist to determine their cause of error. RESULTS The diagnostic accuracies for injuries of the medial and lateral meniscus and the ACL were 92.4%, 92.4%, and 94.1%, respectively. For the menisci, causes for discrepancies in findings (n = 31) were: overinterpretation of central signal intensities with contact to the menisca…