Sergii Ubizskii

Radiation displacement defect formation in some complex oxide crystals

The work is devoted to an analysis of the formation processes of radiation displacement defects (RDDs) and color centers (CCs) under irradiation of complex oxide crystals. The results of the displacement process simulation as well as the analysis of the RDDs and CCs accumulation kinetics in some complex oxide crystals are presented. New experimental results on additional absorption spectra induced by neutron irradiation of LiNbO3 (LNO) crystals doped with Fe and Cr and YAlO3 (YAP) crystals doped with Nd and Er as well are presented. Dose dependencies are compared and their peculiarities are discussed. ” 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

research product

Radiation Induced Defects in Yttrium Aluminium Perovskite

The yttrium aluminium perovskite single crystals YAlO3 (YAP) doped with rare -earth ions belong to the most prospective materials of solid-state laser engineering. Laser based of YAlO3 crystals have the advantage in comparison with yttrium aluminium garnet (YAG). The main of them consists in anisotropy of optical properties [1], which are stipulated by the low symmetry of orthoaluminate crystals. Continuos wave (CW) laser action at 549.6 nm was achieved in 1% Er:YAP crystal at below 77 K [2]. The YAP:Nd allows to obtain a CW generation at 1079 nm, 1340 nm and 1440 nm [3, 4]. It is known, that the color center can completely suppress laser generation in the crystal.

research product

Displacement Defect Formation in Complex Oxide Crystals under Irradiation

The work is devoted to an analysis of formation processes of the radiation displacement defects (RDDs) and colour centres (CCs) in complex oxide crystals under irradiation. The calculation results on: the displacement process simulation as well as an analysis of the RDD and CC accumulation kinetics are presented. New experimental results on additional absorption spectra induced by neutron irradiation of LiNbO(3) (LNO) crystals doped with Fe and Cr and YAlO(3) (YAP) crystals doped with Nd and Er as well are presented. Dose dependencies of the additional absorption are compared and their peculiarities are discussed. The obtained results confirm that CCs causing the irradiation induced absorpt…

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Afterglow, TL and OSL properties of Mn2+-doped ZnGa2O4 phosphor

The work was supported by Latvian Research Council via LZP-2018/1–0214 research project as well as the Latvian-Ukrainian Joint Research Project (LV-UA/2016/1 in Latvia and M/8-2018 (No. 0118U001672) in Ukraine), and by the NATO SfP Project G4649. The work was also partially supported by the Polish National Science Center (project 2018/31/B/ST8/00774). A. Luchechko gratefully acknowledges a grant from Institute of Physics PAS for a research visit to the Institute.

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