Helmut Birnleitner
Improved Predictability for Foreign Direct Investors by Comprising Different Macroeconomic Levels: A New Model Approach
Foreign direct investments have grown over the last decades which are related to the ongoing globalization process. The current literature shows research works dealing with the topic of influence factors on foreign direct investment (FDI) decisions which may occur during the decision-making process. A new causal model has been developed to get in-depth view on macroeconomic perspective. Motives to do FDI are strongly impacted by macroeconomic factors which may influence upcoming decisions. To be able to understand the impact of the macroeconomic environment on FDI decisions the factors have been diversified and conceptualized, divided into three subgroups of independent latent variables in …
Factors Influencing Decision Making in Respect of FDI in the Automotive industry
Pēdējos gadu desmitos notiekošā globalizācijas procesa dēļ ārvalstu tiešo investīciju apjoms ir palielinājies un tās tiek veiktas ātrāk. Tas nosaka, ka uzņēmumiem un to vadītājiem ir jāpieņem lēmumi attiecībā uz ārvalstu tiešajām investīcijām. Kad uzņēmumi sāk darboties starptautiskā mērogā, svarīgāki kļūst makroekonomiskie faktori. Vadītāji tiešā veidā nevar ietekmēt makroekonomisko sistēmu, un tas liek viņiem pielāgoties attiecīgajiem apstākļiem. Šādu sarežģītu procesu laikā ĀTI lēmumus var ietekmēt arī starpniecības faktori. Šis pētījums pievēršas ieguldītāju viedokļu uztverei. Pētījums veikts par Vācijas un Austrijas autobūves nozares īpatnībām. Šī promocijas darba mērķis ir izstrādāt m…
Attractiveness of Countries for Foreign Direct Investments from the Macro-Economic Perspective
Attractiveness and value adding characteristics of countries for Foreign Direct Investments usually are linked to new customers, upcoming demands, unsatisfied needs, competitive situations, etc. But they are also closely connected to macro-economic factors, which build the focus of this research praper. To make it more differentiable, those factors have been separated into five major dimensions: Political/Legal, Economic, Social, Technological and Intercultural Factors. Each of those factors consists of minimum five sub-factors which have been analyzed and taken into consideration. The aim is to find out, which factors influence the decisions for FDIs. If knowing that, stecific decisions ca…