0436: Diagnostic value of serial ultrasensible troponin I measurements for acute coronary syndrome identification in cardiac intensive care unit
Introduction ACS diagnosis relies on the detection of an increase or a decrease in troponin levels (delta-TnI) that might be estimated as absolute (delta-TnI-abs) or relative value (delta-TnI-rel). The discriminative cut-off value of delta-TnI to identify ACS in patients admitted in ICU is a matter of debate. Methods We aimed to determine in a monocentric registry the cut-off value of delta-TnI to identify ACS among patients admitted in ICU with a suspicion of acute myocardial ischemia. All the patients had 2 measurements of ultrasensible cTnI (ADVIA Centaur Siemens®; 99th percentile: 0,04 μg/L). Patients were classified in 4 groups: 1) ACS (NSTEMI, UA), 2) Cardiac non coronary diseases (he…