Low-lying structure of light radon isotopes
The excited states in the neutron-deficient isotopes Rn have been populated using the Er(Ar,4n), Er(Ar,4n), and Er(Ar,4n) reactions at beam energies of 175, 182, and 177 MeV, respectively. Evaporation residues were selected using an in-flight gas-filled separator and implanted at the focal plane into a 16-element position-sensitive, passivated ion-implanted planar silicon detector. Prompt γ rays were observed at the target position using an array of Compton-suppressed germanium detectors. Correlation with the subsequent radioactive decay of associated recoiling ions in the silicon detector, recoil-γ and recoil-γ-γ coincidences were used to construct decay schemes of light radon isotopes. Me…