A histological evaluation of the surgical margins from human oral fibrous-epithelial lesions excised with CO2 laser, Diode laser, Er:YAG laser, Nd:YAG laser, electrosurgical scalpel and cold scalpel.
Background We aim to evaluate the presence of histological artefacts in the surgical margins of human oral fibro-epithelial hyperplasias excised with lasers of different wavelengths, and also electrosurgical scalpel and cold scalpel. Moreover, we aim to determine if some of these instruments could impair the normal histological diagnosis of these lesions. Material and Methods We included 130 consecutive surgical samples of 80 females and 50 males (mean age of 53.82±16.55) with a histological diagnosis of an oral benign fibrous-epithelial hyperplasias. The samples were categorized into 6 groups according to the type of instrument used: CO2 laser group, diode laser group, Er:YAG laser group, …