I. Pluvy
Influence of the level of arterial resection on the replanting and revascularization results in hand surgery: prospective study over 22 months
Abstract The objective of this work was to assess whether the injury mechanisms are responsible for histological arterial lesions. This prospective single-center study included adults with wrist or hand arterial injury. Arterial resection of at least 2 mm from the proximal and distal stumps was performed before the arterial anastomosis. Histological analysis of the arterial stumps was performed. An ultrasound was performed 1 month postoperatively to check arterial patency. A clinical and functional evaluation was done at 1 month postoperative, then every 3 months. From 2018 to 2020, 46 patients were included with a maximum follow-up of 13 months. There were 35 cuts, 2 crush injuries, 8 ampu…
Extensor digitorum brevis muscle flap for lower extremity coverage in a context of posttraumatic sepsis.
Abstract Introduction Traumatic injuries to the distal quarter of the leg present a significant risk of skin necrosis and exposure of the underlying fracture site or the osteosynthesis material that often result in bone and joint infection. In the case of small or medium-sized bone exposure, local muscles may be one of the best options for lower extremity coverage. We describe our experience using the extensor digitorum brevis muscle flap in a context of posttraumatic bone and joint infection in fourteen patients. Our main objective was to assess the outcomes and the donor-site morbidity of the extensor digitorum brevis muscle flap. Materials and methods A single-center retrospective study …
Long-term functional results of digital replantation: A survey of 28 patients
We sought to evaluate the long-term quality of life and functional outcome of patients who underwent digital replantation after amputation. A retrospective single-center study was conducted of patients treated between January 2010 to May 2016. Twenty-eight patients who underwent successful replantation after single or multiple digital amputation were reviewed in person after at least 2years' follow-up (mean 4.6years). Total active range of motion, grip and pinch strength were assessed. Functional outcomes were evaluated using the SF-36 and DASH questionnaires. The patients' occupational status and daily activities were reported. Mean total active range of motion was 42% of the contralateral…
Place du lambeau de muscle court extenseur des orteils au membre inferieur en contexte septique post traumatique
Resume Introduction Les traumatismes du quart distal de jambe presentent un risque important de necrose cutanee et d’exposition du foyer de fracture sous-jacent ou du materiel d’osteosynthese ayant pour consequence une infection osteo-articulaire. En cas d’exposition osseuse de petite ou moyenne taille, les muscles locaux peuvent constituer une des meilleures solutions pour la couverture du membre inferieur. Nous decrivons notre experience de l’utilisation du lambeau du muscle court extenseur des orteils dans un contexte d’infection osteo-articulaire post traumatique chez quatorze patients. Notre objectif principal est d’evaluer les resultats et la morbidite du site donneur du lambeau de mu…