Human case of Fasciola gigantica-like infection, review of human fascioliasis reports in Nepal, and epidemiological analysis within the South Central Asia
Abstract The diagnosis of a 22 year-old male patient from Kerabari, Morang District, Nepal led to the review of human fascioliasis cases and analysis of the epidemiological situation in that country not included in the WHO fascioliasis map. Symptom onset one month before egg detection and normal levels of ALT and AST did not agree with the 3–4-month migratory period of fascioliasis. A shorter acute phase may happen when the main biliary duct is reached by the migratory juveniles directly from the intestinal lumen. The causal agent was ascribed to F. gigantica-like worms after considering adult fluke morphology, altitude of the patient’s infection area, fasciolid characteristics in the neigh…