Arno Schmidt-trucksäss
Map-based assessment of older adults’ life space: validity and reliability
Background Map-based tools have recently found their way into health-related research. They can potentially be used to quantify older adults’ life-space. This study aimed to evaluate the validity (vs. GPS) and the test-retest reliability of a map-based life-space assessment (MBA). Methods Life-space of one full week was assessed by GPS and by MBA. MBA was repeated after approximately 3 weeks. Distance-related (mean and maximum distance from home) and area-related (convex hull, standard deviational ellipse) life-space indicators were calculated. Intraclass correlations (MBA vs. GPS and test-retest) were calculated in addition to Bland-Altman analyses (MBA vs. GPS). Results Fifty-eight older …
Psychometric properties of the MOBITEC-GP mobile application for real-life mobility assessment in older adults
Aim of this study was to test the reliability and validity of the life-space measures and walking speed delivered by the MOBITEC-GP app. Participants underwent several supervised walking speed assessments as well as a 1-week life-space assessment during two assessment sessions 9 days apart. Fifty-seven older adults (47.4% male, mean age= 75.3 (±5.9) years) were included in the study. The MOBITEC-GP app showed moderate to excellent test-retest reliability (ICCs between 0.584 and 0.920) and validity (ICCs between 0.468 and 0.950) of walking speed measurements of 50 meters and above and of most 1-week life-space parameters, including life-space area, time spent out-of-home, and action range. T…
Association between arterial stiffness and walking capacity in older adults
Background and aim: Arterial stiffening – a process that is largely due to intimal thickening, collagen disposition or elastin fragmentation – significantly contributes to cardiovascular events and mortality. There is also some evidence that it may negatively affect physical function. This study aimed to evaluate whether arterial stiffness was associated with measures of walking capacity in a large, population-based sample of highly aged older adults.Methods: A population-based sample of 910 community-dwelling adults (aged 75, 80, or 85 years) were investigated in a cross-sectional observational study. Pulse wave velocity (PWV), a surrogate marker of arterial stiffness, was estimated based …
Self-reported life-space mobility in the first year after ischemic stroke: longitudinal findings from the MOBITEC-Stroke project
Abstract Background Life-space mobility is defined as the size of the area in which a person moves about within a specified period of time. Our study aimed to characterize life-space mobility, identify factors associated with its course, and detect typical trajectories in the first year after ischemic stroke. Methods MOBITEC-Stroke (ISRCTN85999967; 13/08/2020) was a cohort study with assessments performed 3, 6, 9 and 12 months after stroke onset. We applied linear mixed effects models (LMMs) with life-space mobility (Life-Space Assessment; LSA) as outcome and time point, sex, age, pre-stroke mobility limitation, stroke severity (National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale; NIHSS), modified R…
Timed up-and-go performance is associated with objectively measured life space in patients 3 months after ischemic stroke: a cross-sectional observational study
Background Stroke is a common cause of mobility limitation, including a reduction in life space. Life space is defined as the spatial extent in which a person moves within a specified period of time. We aimed to analyze patients' objective and self-reported life space and clinical stroke characteristics. Methods MOBITEC-Stroke is a prospective observational cohort study addressing poststroke mobility. This cross-sectional analysis refers to 3-month data. Life space was assessed by a portable tracking device (7 consecutive days) and by self-report (Life-Space Assessment; LSA). We analysed the timed up-and-go (TUG) test, stroke severity (National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale; NIHSS), and…
MOBIlity assessment with modern TEChnology in older patients’ real-life by the General Practitioner: the MOBITEC-GP study protocol
Abstract Background Mobility limitations in older adults are associated with poor clinical outcomes including higher mortality and disability rates. A decline in mobility (including physical function and life-space) is detectable and should be discovered as early as possible, as it can still be stabilized or even reversed in early stages by targeted interventions. General practitioners (GPs) would be in the ideal position to monitor the mobility of their older patients. However, easy-to-use and valid instruments for GPs to conduct mobility assessment in the real-life practice setting are missing. Modern technologies such as the global positioning system (GPS) and inertial measurement units …