John Kenneth Hatletvedt

Modelling of a hydro-pneumatic system for heave compensation

This paper presents a mathematical model of the dynamic behaviour of a passive heave compensation system. The main purpose is to develop a model that enables cost-efficient prototyping and testing of the control system in an active heave compensator. The physics are described by first principles, and result in 21 ordinary differential equations. Temperature calculations are included as an option during simulation in order to investigate its effect on the results. Similarly is a non-ideal gas law (Redlich-Kwong equation) implemented and compared to the ideal gas law. Verification against field data shows that the model is in good accordance with real-life drilling operations. It is further s…

research product

Modelling of a hydro-pneumatic system for heave compensation

Masteroppgave i mekatronikk MAS500 - Universitetet i Agder 2017 Testing of control systems on simulators has been found to be both cost and time e cient. To get good results from testing, a realistic response from the simulator is important. In this thesis, a mathematical model of a hydropneumatic heave compensation system for such purposes is proposed. The emphasis has been on developing a relatively simple model which is easy to run, but also accounts for important e ects like friction, non-ideal gas behaviour and temperature variation in the gas system. The mathematical model is veri ed against log data obtained from real drilling operations. Then, it is compared to simpler versions to i…

research product