G. Bertotti
Pattern and rate of post-20 ka verticaltectonic motion around Capo Vaticanopromontory (W Calabria, Italy) based onoffshore geomorphological indicators
The magnitude and rate of Late Pleistocene – Holocene vertical tectonic movements offshore Capo Vaticano (western Calabria) have been quantified on the basis of the depths of infralittoral prograding wedges (IPWs) and associated abrasion platforms formed during the stillstand of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). These features were identified on high-resolution reflection seismic profiles acquired along the continental shelf and upper slope around the promontory. The pattern of vertical movements of the Capo Vaticano promontory is characterized by a marked asymmetry associated with a NE-directed tilt. Removal of the non tectonic component of vertical changes using an ice-volume equivalent eus…
An Integrated Multiscale Method for the Characterisation of Active Faults in Offshore Areas. The Case of Sant’Eufemia Gulf (Offshore Calabria, Italy)
Diagnostic morphological features (e.g., rectilinear seafloor scarps) and lateral offsets of the Upper Quaternary deposits are used to infer active faults in offshore areas. Although they deform a significant seafloor region, the active faults are not necessarily capable of producing large earthquakes as they correspond to shallow structures formed in response to local stresses. We present a multiscale approach to reconstruct the structural pattern in offshore areas and distinguish between shallow, non-seismogenic, active faults, and deep blind faults, potentially associated with large seismic moment release. The approach is based on the interpretation of marine seismic reflection data and …
The transition between the Marsili oceanic crust and the W Calabria rifted margin: rifting and drifting in the upper plate of the Ionian subduction zone
The western Calabria continental margin forms the transition between the Late Pliocene to Recent Marsili spreading center and continental Calabria. Integrating highpenetration and -resolution upper crustal seismic images with seafloor morphology, ODP well data and geological/geophysical constraints we provide a detailed reconstruction of the architecture of the distal portion of the W Calabria rifted margin and of the adjacent Marsili “oceanic” domain (Fig. 1) and develop a scheme for the Pliocene to present rifting and drifting of the upper plate of the Ionian subduction zone. Our seismic data document the presence of stretched and thinned continental crust, less than 10 Km thick into the …
Plio-Quaternary tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the Paola fore-arc basin (western Calabria continental margin): Insight from high-resolution seismic reflection data
We reconstructed the most relevant geologic features across the Paola Basin (offshore western Calabria) and its Pliocene to Recent sedimentary and tectonic evolution using a grid of seismic profiles acquired within the frame of the EU-SINBUS project in the 1995. We used seismostratigraphic analysis to outline the seismic units. The Messinian horizon, as well as regional unconformities recognized in the Plio-Pleistocene geological record of the basins developed within or adjacent to the Calabrian Arc, played a key role to assign ages to the sedimentary units. We identified five seismic units on seismic lines, based on the internal configuration and seismic-stratigraphic character of reflecto…
Measuring magnitude and rate of vertical movements in the offshore Capo Vaticano (W Calabria) using lowstand coastal prisms and wave-built terraces
The magnitude and rate of vertical movements have been measured in the offshore Capo Vaticano (western Calabria) for the Late Pleistocene - Holocene on the basis of the depth of submerged coastal prism and associated wave-built terrace formed during the sea-level lowstand of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Uplifted and submerged terraces have proved to be valuable recorders of vertical motion in many locations around the world (e.g. DICKINSON, 2001; WEBSTER et alii, 2004) as the depth of their tops appear to be controlled by the sea-level. In the eastern Tyrrhenian margins, depending on the hydraulic energy conditions (i.e. waves and wind-induced currents), the average water depth of terrac…
Ampiezza e tassi dei movimenti verticali a Capo Vaticano (Calabria occidentale,Italia) negli ultimi 20 mila anni determinati sulla base di cunei progradanti epiattaforme di abrasione.
Ampiezza e tassi dei movimenti tettonici verticali sono stati quantificati nel settore offshore di Capo Vaticano (Calabria occidentale), nell’intervallo Pleistocene superiore – Olocene, sulla base delle profondità del ciglio dei cunei progradanti infralitorali e delle piattaforme di abrasione formatesi durante l’ultimo massimo glaciale (LGM). I cunei progradanti sono stati riconosciuti in profili sismici a riflessione ad alta risoluzione Sparker. I dati sismici sono stati acquisiti lungo la piattaforma e la scarpata continentale superiore, durante le crociere oceanografiche Marisk 2010 e 2012 organizzate dall’IAMC del CNR di Napoli, il DISTEM dell’Università di Palermo e il Dip. di Scienze …