V. Borredà
Serpientes y helmintos parásitos en el este peninsular español: la influencia del hábitat y el modo de vida en la helmintofauna de los ofidios ibéricos
Se han analizado helmintológicamente una serie de ejemplares de ofidios terrestres del este peninsular ibérico y los datos obtenidos se han comparado con los de otras serpientes ibéricas y europeas. Se ha detectado una notable pobreza de la helmintofauna de estos ofidios que se explica en términos de sus características bioecológicas, principalmente la estrategia de alimentación y la ocupación de hábitats secos. Snakes and parasitic helminths in Eastern Spain: the influence of habitat and lifestyle on the helminthfauna of Iberian snakes. A number of specimens of terrestrial snakes from the east of the Iberian Peninsula have been helminthologically analyzed and the obtained data were compare…
Descripción de un nuevo limácido de Menorca (Islas Baleares): Gigantomilax (Vitrinoides) benjaminus sp. n. (Gastropoda, Pulmonata)
We describe a new endemic limacid slug, Gigantomilax (Vitrinoides) benjaminus n. sp. and we compare it with the nearest species, particularly with Gigantomilax (V.) majoricensis, another Balearic endemism. Characteristic features of this new species include its small size, translucid and smooth body, and totally grey dorsum with no bands or spots. The reproductive system shows a well developed vas deferens surrounded by the distal part of prostatic gland, a thin penial retractor muscle, swollen prostate and small distal genitalia. The recent redescription of Limax majoricensis by Wiktor et al. (2007) is discussed and we consider that these authors refer to G. benjaminus n. sp., and so we de…