Tommi Auvinen
Leadership Manipulation and Ethics in Storytelling
This article focuses on exerting influence in leadership, namely manipulation in storytelling. Manipulation is usually considered an unethical approach to leadership. We will argue that manipulation is a more complex phenomenon than just an unethical way of acting in leadership. We will demonstrate through an empirical qualitative study that there are various types of manipulation through storytelling. This article makes a contribution to the literature on manipulation through leadership storytelling, offering a more systematic empirical analysis and a more nuanced view of the topic than previously existed by outlining how managers engage in manipulative storytelling and what kind of ethics…
The Power of Leadership Storytelling : Case of Adolf Hitler
We consider the construction of leadership influence involving manipulation and from narrative standpoint. We use the career of Adolf Hitler as an empirical example - as a case - illustrating the huge, and potentially destructive, power of story-telling. Hitler is used as an illustrative case for how storytelling is involved in constructing great leadership influence – and with a view to making sense of such a leader’s story. We have applied both conceptual and narrative analysis in our empirical case. In terms of the narrative analysis, we follow Polkinghorne’s definition on narrative inquiry. Despite the significant attention given to storytelling in the contemporary management literature…
Yrittäjän subjektiivinen rationaalisuus mekanististen selitysmallien maailmassa : esimerkkinä paikallinen kehittäminen
Narrativity and its application in business ethics research
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to develop a narrative framework for doing empirical research into business ethics and shows, through two examples, how the framework can be applied in practice in this context. The focus is on interview-based research. Design/methodology/approach A theoretical research based on literature review was conducted. Findings In the developed narrative framework, two main kinds of analysis are distinguished: an analysis of the narrative and a narrative analysis. An analysis of the narrative is a matter of classifying and producing taxonomies out of the data. The purpose of a narrative analysis is to construct a story or stories based on the data. Narrative an…
Metamorphosis of Euro Metaphors: The power of mathematical models and drama in economics storytelling.
Participative Strategic Work
Näkökulmia valtaan karismaattisuuden ja tarinankerronnan valossa
Narratiivinen näkökulma johtajuuteen tulkitseva tutkimus tarinajohtamisesta suomalaisen esimiestyön kontekstissa
Taylorism on steroids or enabling autonomy? A systematic review of algorithmic management
AbstractThe use of algorithmic management systems is rapidly changing organizational models and practices, as millions of workers in multiple sectors worldwide are managed by computer software. Despite receiving increasing academic interest, little summarizing literature exist on the ways algorithmic systems are used in management. This article aims to fill this gap by systematically reviewing and qualitatively analyzing 172 articles on the topic. Our research contributes to the existent algorithmic management literature in three ways. First, we provide a descriptive overview of algorithmic management as a field of research. Second, we identify and synthesize the discussion on the key conce…
Conflicts related to Human Resource Management in Finnish Project-Based Companies
In contemporary working life of Nordic countries, employee involvement and well-being are emphasized and organizational functions and demands are continuously changing. Thus, the study of human resource management (HRM) practices and their consequences for employees is relevant. This study examines conflicts related to HRM in Finnish project-based companies and provides new information on the implications of conflicts in HRM practices for theorists and practitioners. The research was conducted qualitatively using content and thematic analysis. The findings suggest that conflicts framed within HRM practices are generally the result of the practices and expectations of the organization and ma…
Arvot suoritusmittareiden aiheuttamien ohjausjännitteiden hallinnassa suuressa osuustoiminnallisessa organisaatiossa
Efficiency vs. values : Institutional logics, situated rationality, and performance measurement in a cooperative bank
This qualitative case study explores how situated rationality is achieved and maintained between two coexisting institutional logics, ‘global’ financial efficiency and ‘local’ customer-owners, around a performance measurement system in a large cooperative bank. We focus especially on the relationship between financial performance measures and softer, cooperative and communal organisational values. The results highlight that communal values may be effectively used to smooth and manage managerial contradictions; thus, situated rationality for operations can be achieved and maintained. This may also explain the resilience and success of communal values and cooperatively formed organisations in…
Narratiivisuus ja liiketaloustieteet : Näkökulmia yrittäjyyteen
Henkilöstöjohtamisen trendit digitalisoituvassa toimintaympäristössä
Tässä artikkelissa tutkitaan henkilöstöjohtamisen ajankohtaisia trendejä digitalisoituvassa toimintaympäristössä. Digitalisaatio on voimakkaasti yleistyvä ilmiö, jota voi tarkastella laaja-alaisesti henkilöstöjohtamisen kenttää muovaavana metatrendinä tai suppeammin joukkona ohjelmisto- ja tiedonhallintateknologioita, joilla pyritään tehostamaan organisaation toimintaa ja vähentämään kustannuksia. Tutkimusstrategia on laadullinen ja analyysissa olemme soveltaneet sisällön erittelyä aikaisemman kirjallisuuden ja empiirisen haastatteluaineiston yhdistävällä otteella. Empiirinen aineisto koostuu 17 suomalaisen henkilöstöammattilaisen temaattisesta sähköpostihaastattelusta. Löydöksemme jakautuu…
Näkökulmia johdon kontrolliin : ulkoista valvontaa ja subjektiivista tulkintaa
Henkilöstöjohtamisen digitalisaatio keskisuomalaisissa PK-yrityksissä
Digitalisation has reached a significant role among the literature on human resource management (HRM) ever since the turn of last millennium. During the last decade advanced digital technology systems have been enthusiastically fitted into HRM functions, even as a possible replacement. Especially consultant literature paints an overtly positive picture of advanced artificial intelligence HRM systems that deliver cost savings, efficiency, and real-time information. Scientific sources often raise more problematic issues and even threats related to human factors as well as to the core of business operations. Also, the actual strategic integration to increase competitiveness may not be more tha…