Provenzano Vincenzo
Transizioni in periodi di incertezza. L’innovazione delle politiche regionali di governance per lo sviluppo auto sostenibile
The basis of this contribution are a) the European Commission's regional innovation strategies for smart specialization (RIS3), b) the regional policies to combat the risk of decline and c) the governance model of Transition Management. Today the challenge consists in the validation of RIS3 even in the conditions of uncertainty exacerbated, for example, by the recent experience of COVID 19 as a global pandemic, trigger of the planetary economic and social decline. The guidance of the territorial transformations induced by RIS3 can be achieved with GIS technologies which, in turn, can constitute a single platform of the competent regional administration for urban and landscape planning. This…
The article presents the Transition Management (TM) model as a governance model suitable for achieving sustainability objectives. Future strategies for developing European territories cannot fail to consider the environment crucial for sustainable growth. European policies with the approval of the Green Deal are moving in this direction. The complexity of the current period requires a new governance process, and a cyclical, iterative, interactive, and participatory process of dialogue with local stakeholders characterizes this methodology. TM is a systemic approach postulated as a new governance model capable of conducting and coordinating system innovations towards sustainability in the pa…
Economie locali
Le economie locali in Sicilia riflettono un territorio granulare in termini di determinanti spaziali, economici e sociali. Le metriche locali riflesse sulle piccole e medie imprese locali non riflettono sempre pienamente la gerarchia della dimensione della popolazione delle aree metropolitane di Palermo, Catania e Messina, confermando una diversa dinamica in termini di attività economiche. La strategia di specializzazione intelligente (S3), ancora presto apre una nuova visione per intervenire e ridurre il divario economico e sociale rispetto ad altre regioni europee L'introduzione del modello a elica Quintupla con l'inclusione della variabile ambientale, indica un modo migliore per creare c…
Microcredit, Regional Programs and Credit Guarantees in Italy
This work proposes an analysis of microcredit initiatives analyzed at the territorial level. The differences are analyzed on the basis of distinctive features to identify different ways to develop microcredit in Italy. An empirical analysis is also carried out to verify the existence of a statistically significant correlation between the characteristics of entrepreneurial microcredit programs and their default risk. The presence of credit guarantee systems and the role of bank intermediaries as promoters significantly mitigate the risk of default on these initiatives. Regional microcredit programs do not show significant territorial differences in terms of credit guarantees.
New Metropolitan Perspectives Transition with Resilience for Evolutionary Development
This open access book conveys attention to the theme of transition towards resilience and sustainability and its evolutionary perspective that emphasizes the complexity and uncertainty that governments and society are called to address in response to the ongoing challenges. "New Metropolitan Perspective Post COVID Dynamics: Green and Digital Transition, between Metropolitan and Return to Villages’ Perspectives”, 25–27 May 2022, Reggio Calabria, Italy. The papers included in the book are grouped around the following main topics: the envisaged transition towards resilience and sustainability; the relevance of the planning dimension for defining sustainable development pathways and managing co…