Lianrong Dai

Study of the J/ψ→ϕ(ω)f2(1270), J/ψ→ϕ(ω)f2′(1525) and J/ψ→K∗0(892)K¯2∗0(1430) decays

Abstract We present an approach to study the decay modes of the J / ψ into a vector meson and a tensor meson, taking into account the nature of the f 2 ( 1270 ) , f 2 ′ ( 1525 ) , K ¯ 2 ∗ 0 ( 1430 ) resonances as dynamically generated states from the vector meson-vector meson interaction. We evaluate four ratios of partial decay widths in terms of a flavor dependent OZI breaking parameter and the results obtained compare favorably with experiment, although the experimental uncertainties are still large. Further refinements of the data would provide a more stringent test on the theoretical approach. The fit to the data is possible due to the particular strength and sign of the couplings of t…

research product

Initial-final state strong interaction corrections to the B¯→Dv¯ℓ (v¯ττ) decays

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Meson-baryon components in the states of the baryon decuplet

We apply an extension of the Weinberg compositeness condition on partial waves of L = 1 and resonant states to determine the weight of the meson-baryon component in the Delta(1232) resonance and the other members of the baryon decuplet. We obtain an appreciable weight of pi N in the Delta(1232) wave function, of the order of 60%, which looks more natural when one recalls that experiments on deep inelastic and Drell Yan give a fraction of pi N component of 34% for the nucleon. We also show that, as we go to higher energies in the members of the decuplet, the weights of the meson-baryon component decrease and they already show a dominant part for a genuine, non-meson-baryon, component in the …

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Searching for a $$D {\bar{D}}$$ DD¯ bound state with the $$\psi (3770) \rightarrow \gamma D^0 {\bar{D}}^0$$ ψ(3770)→γD0D¯0 decay

We perform a calculation of the mass distribution in the $$\psi (3770) \rightarrow \gamma D {\bar{D}}$$ ψ(3770)→γDD¯ decay, studying both the $$D^+ D^- $$ D+D- and $$D^0 {\bar{D}}^0 $$ D0D¯0 decays. The electromagnetic interaction is such that the tree level amplitude is null for the neutral channel, which forces the $$\psi (3770) \rightarrow \gamma D^0 {\bar{D}}^0$$ ψ(3770)→γD0D¯0 transition to go through a loop involving the $$D^+ D^- \rightarrow D^0 {\bar{D}}^0$$ D+D-→D0D¯0 scattering amplitude. We take the results for this amplitude from a theoretical model that predicts a $$D {\bar{D}}$$ DD¯ bound state and find a $$D^0 {\bar{D}}^0 $$ D0D¯0 mass distribution in the decay drastically di…

research product

Study of the J/psi -> phi(omega) f(2)(1270), J/psi -> phi(omega) f '(2)(1525) and J/psi -> K*(0)(892) (K)over-bar(2)*(0)(1430) decays

We present an approach to Study the decay modes of the J/psi into a vector meson and a tensor meson, taking into account the nature of the f(2)(1270), f'(2)(1525). (K) over bar (2)*(0)(1430) resonances as dynamically generated states from the vector meson-vector meson interaction. We evaluate four ratios of partial decay widths in terms of a flavor dependent OZI breaking parameter and the results obtained compare favorably with experiment, although the experimental uncertainties are still large. Further refinements of the data Would provide a more stringent test on the theoretical approach. The fit to the data is possible due to the particular strength and sign of the couplings of the reson…

research product

The low lying scalar resonances in the D0 decays into Ks0 and f0(500), f0(980), a0(980)

Abstract The D 0 decay into K s 0 and a scalar resonance, f 0 ( 500 ) , f 0 ( 980 ) , a 0 ( 980 ) , are studied obtaining the scalar resonances from final state interaction of a pair of mesons produced in a first step in the D 0 decay into K s 0 and the pair of pseudoscalar mesons. This weak decay is very appropriate for this kind of study because it allows to produce the three resonances in the same decay in a process that is Cabibbo-allowed, hence the rates obtained are large compared to those of B ¯ 0 decays into J / ψ and a scalar meson that have at least one Cabibbo-suppressed vertex. Concretely the a 0 ( 980 ) production is Cabibbo-allowed here, while it cannot be seen in the B ¯ s 0 …

research product

Limits to the fixed center approximation to Faddeev equations: The case of theϕ(2170)

The fixed center approximation to the Faddeev equations has been used lately with success in the study of bound systems of three hadrons. It is also important to set the limits of the approach in those problems to prevent proliferation of inaccurate predictions. In this paper, we study the case of the $\ensuremath{\phi}(2170)$, which has been described by means of Faddeev equations as a resonant state of $\ensuremath{\phi}$ and $K\overline{K}$, and show the problems derived from the use of the fixed center approximation in its study. At the same time, we also expose the limitations of an alternative approach recently proposed.

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Unitary chiral dynamics of two hadrons in a finite volume: theKD,ηDssystem and theDs*0(2317) resonance

We investigate the KD and ηDs system in a finite volume and study the properties of the Ds*0(2317) resonance, which is generated in this coupled channel system. We calculate the energy levels in a cubic box and considering them as synthetic lattice data we solve the inverse problem of determining the bound states and phase shifts in the infinite volume. We observe that it is possible to obtain accurate KD phase shifts and the position of the Ds*0(2317) state from the synthetic lattice data considered and that a careful analysis of the finite volume data can shed some light on the nature of the Ds*0(2317) resonance as a KD molecule or otherwise.

research product

Tests on the molecular structure of f(2)(1270), f(2)'(1525) from psi(nS) and Upsilon(nS) decays

Based on previous studies that support the vector-vector molecular structure of the f(2)'(1270), f 2 (1525), _ K * 0 2 (1430), f0(1370) and f0(1710) resonances, we make predictions for the.(2S) decay into.(f) f2(1270),.(f) f 2 (1525), K* 0 (892) _ K * 0 2 (1430) and the radiative decay of.(1S),.(2S),.(2S) into.f2(1270),.f 2 (1525),.f0(1370),.f0(1710). Agreement with experimental data is found for three available ratios, without using free parameters, and predictions are done for other cases.

research product

a1(1420) peak as the πf0(980) decay mode of the a1(1260)

We study the decay mode of the ${a}_{1}(1260)$ into a ${\ensuremath{\pi}}^{+}$ in $p$ wave and the ${f}_{0}(980)$ that decays into ${\ensuremath{\pi}}^{+}{\ensuremath{\pi}}^{\ensuremath{-}}$ in $s$ wave. The mechanism proceeds via a triangular mechanism where the ${a}_{1}(1260)$ decays into ${K}^{*}\overline{K}$, the ${K}^{*}$ decays to an external ${\ensuremath{\pi}}^{+}$ and an internal $K$ that fuses with the $\overline{K}$ producing the ${f}_{0}(980)$ resonance. The mechanism develops a singularity at a mass of the ${a}_{1}(1260)$ around 1420 MeV, producing a peak in the cross section of the $\ensuremath{\pi}p$ reaction, used to generate the mesonic final state, which provides a natural…

research product

Radiative decay of the dynamically generated open and hidden charm scalar meson resonancesDs0*(2317)andX(3700)

We present the formalism for the decay of dynamically generated scalar mesons with open- or hidden charm and give results for the decay of ${D}_{s0}^{*}(2317)$ to $\ensuremath{\gamma}{D}_{s}^{*}$ plus that of a hidden charm scalar meson state predicted by the theory around 3700 MeV decaying into $\ensuremath{\gamma}J/\ensuremath{\psi}$.

research product

Meson baryon components in the states of the baryon decuplet

We apply an extension of the Weinberg compositeness condition on partial waves of $L=1$ and resonant states to determine the weight of meson-baryon component in the $\Delta(1232)$ resonance and the other members of the $J^P= \frac{3}{2}^+$ baryon decuplet. We obtain an appreciable weight of $\pi N$ in the $\Delta(1232)$ wave function, of the order of 60 \%, which looks more natural when one recalls that experiments on deep inelastic and Drell Yan give a fraction of $\pi N$ component of 34 \% for the nucleon. We also show that, as we go to higher energies in the members of the decuplet, the weights of meson-baryon component decrease and they already show a dominant part for a genuine, non me…

research product

$J/\psi $ decay to $ \phi,\omega, K^{*0}$ plus $f_0(1370)$, $f_0(1710)$, $K_0^*(1430)$, $f_2(1270)$, $f'_2(1525)$ and $K_2^*(1430)$: role of the $D$-wave for tensor production

We reassess the decay of the $J/\psi $ into an $\omega, \phi, K^{*0}$ and one of the $f_0(1370)$, $f_0(1710)$, $f_2(1270)$, $f'_2(1525)$, $K_0^*(1430)$ and $K_2^*(1430)$ resonances. We benefit from previous works that considered this reaction as a $J/\psi $ decay into three vector mesons, with a scalar or tensor resonance being formed from the interaction of two of these vectors. The novelty here with respect to former studies is the investigation of the relation between the scalar meson and tensor productions for the first time. To this end, the spin structure of the four vectors present in the production vertex is analyzed, and the $D$-wave mechanism in the tensor production is included. …

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