G. D'anna

Food web reconstruction gives evidence of increased trophic levels in no-trawl areas: the red mullet, Mullus barbatus L. case in northern Sicily

This study was aimed at identifying the food web of the red mullet, Mullus barbatus in order to understand how it is affected by trawling disturbance. To achieve this objective: a) the main features of the red mullet habitat were investigated; b) the food web of this habitat was studied in two no-trawl areas and in two areas open to trawling. The working hypothesis is that trawling affects the biochemistry of the sediment and the trophic structure of the benthic assemblage. It was predicted: a) less biomass, smaller size and higher production rate in the benthic assemblages of protected gulfs; b) higher average trophic level for both the red mullet and its predators in protected gulfs; c) a…

research product

Paesaggi minerari in Sicilia: da residuo a risorsa. Strategie e progetto di recupero per il parco minerario Floristella-Grottacalda.

La tesi indaga, attraverso una serie di riflessioni critiche e progettuali, il ruolo che le aree minerarie possono avere nella definizione di nuovi paesaggi. Lo studio si concentra sull'industria dello zolfo in Sicilia, sviluppatasi dalla fine del Settecento e definitivamente dismessa negli anni Ottanta del secolo scorso, con ripercussioni negative sul fronte economico, sociale, ambientale e paesaggistico. La trasformazione delle aree minerarie siciliane richiede una cultura progettuale tale da mettere in relazione architettura, ingegneria, infrastrutture, comunità locali e modelli socio-economici, nel tentativo di esplorare le profonde trasformazioni che questi paesaggi hanno attraversato.…

research product

Analisi spettrale parametrica e di polarizzazione applicate agli eventi sismici registrati sul vulcano sottomarino Marsili

research product

Tomografia WAM integrata dell’area sud-tirrenica e siciliana.

research product

First record of Sphoeroides pachygaster (Tetraodontidae) in the south Tyrrhenian (N/W Sicily)

research product

WAM tomography in the southern Tyrrhenian region : petrological inferences and hypothesis on the fluid circulation in the subducting Ionian slab and adjoining mantle domains

research product

Spatial variability of soft-bottom macrobenthic communities in northern Sicily (Western Mediterranean): Contrasting trawled vs. untrawled areas

13 páginas, 9 tablas, 5 figuras

research product

Adhesive root hairs facilitate Posidonia oceanica seedling settlement on rocky substrates

Posidonia oceanica, the dominant Mediterranean seagrass, has been historically described as a species typically growing on mobile substrates whose development requires precursor communities. During more than 10 years of direct observations, we noticed that P. oceanica seedlings were often firmly anchored to rocky reefs, even at exposed sites. Thus, we analysed the ultrastructural features of seedling root systems to identify specific traits that may represent adaptations for early seedling anchorage on rocky bottoms. Subapical sections of adventitious roots were obtained from 2-3 months old specimens collected in the field and were observed at SEM revealing an extensive coverage of adhesive…

research product

Phenotypic variation across populations of red mullet (Mullus barbatus) in different environments of the central Mediterranean

Geometric morphometrics is an effective tool for quantifying intraspecific variations in fish body shape and differentiating populations and fisheries stocks. This study used geometric morphometrics to examine patterns of intraspecific morphological differentiation among four red mullet (Mullus barbatus) populations in the Strait of Sicily in the central Mediterranean Sea. We hypothesised that morphological differences among local populations were caused by the diverse hydrodynamic features characterising the sampled areas and maintained by geographical isolation. We also examined whether body shape homogeneity or variability within local populations was related to seabed rugosity as an in…

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