Muriel Viaud

Genomics of the grapevine - pathogen interactions Botrytis cinerea virulence factors and molecular mechanisms of induced resistance

International audience

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Botrytis cinerea strains infecting grapevine and tomato display contrasted repertoires of accessory chromosomes, transposons and small RNAs

Botrytis cinerea stands out for having a wide host range and is qualified as generalist.Nevertheless, recent studies suggest that it actually corresponds to co-existing populationsthat show a certain level of host specialization, as described for the French populations T andG1, specialized on tomato and grapevine, respectively (Mercier et al., 2019, Env. Microbiol.21, 4808–21; Mercier et al., 2021 Phytopathology, 111,2355-66).What are the molecular determinants responsible for such host-specialization? PreviousIllumina sequencing data revealed genes under positive selection encoding cellulases,pectinases and enzymes involved in the oxidative stress response suggesting that theseactivities m…

research product

Le génome de Botrytis décrypté

 ; absent

research product

Transcriptome of the early steps of Botrytis cinerea infection

International audience

research product

Evolution de la résistance basale à Botrytis cinerea au cours de la maturation de la baie

National audience; Mature grapevine berries at the harvesting stage (MB) are very susceptible to the grey mould fungus Botrytis cinerea while veraison berries (VB) are not. We conducted simultaneous microscopic and transcriptomic analyses of the pathogen and the host to investigate the infectious process developed by B. cinerea on MB versus VB, and the plant defence mechanisms deployed to stop the fungus development. On the pathogen side, our genome-wide transcriptomic data revealed that B. cinerea genes up-regulated during infection of MB are enriched in functional categories related to necrotrophy such as degradation of plant cell wall, proteolysis, membrane transport, oxidative stress re…

research product

Analysis of the Molecular Dialogue Between Gray Mold (Botrytis cinerea) and Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) Reveals a Clear Shift in Defense Mechanisms During Berry Ripening

Mature grapevine berries at the harvesting stage (MB) are very susceptible to the gray mold fungus Botrytis cinerea, while veraison berries (VB) are not. We conducted simultaneous microscopic and transcriptomic analyses of the pathogen and the host to investigate the infection process developed by B. cinerea on MB versus VB, and the plant defense mechanisms deployed to stop the fungus spreading. On the pathogen side, our genome-wide transcriptomic data revealed that B. cinerea genes upregulated during infection of MB are enriched in functional categories related to necrotrophy, such as degradation of the plant cell wall, proteolysis, membrane transport, reactive oxygen species (ROS) genera…

research product