Carmelo Vázquez
Corrigendum: Psychological Effects of a 1-Month Meditation Retreat on Experienced Meditators: The Role of Non-attachment
Background: There are few studies devoted to assessing the impact of meditation-intensive retreats on the well-being, positive psychology, and personality of experienced meditators. We aimed to assess whether a 1-month Vipassana retreat: (a) would increase mindfulness and well-being; (b) would increase prosocial personality traits; and (c) whether psychological changes would be mediated and/or moderated by non-attachment. Method: A controlled, non-randomized, pre-post-intervention trial was used. The intervention group was a convenience sample (n = 19) of experienced meditators who participated in a 1-month Vipassana meditation retreat. The control group (n = 19) comprised matched experienc…
Retos de la investigación psicológica en salud mental
La magnitud y el impacto que suponen los trastornos mentales no se corresponden con los recursos que se dedican a su investigación y atención. Aunque hemos avanzado notablemente en su comprensión y en la eficacia de los tratamientos psicológicos que intentan paliarlos, estamos aún lejos de la situación óptima. Este trabajo se centra en uno de los retos y una de las necesidades que consideramos fundamentales, el incremento de la investigación focalizada en psicopatología, especialmente sobre los mecanismos y procesos que explican y mantienen estos problemas, como eje básico para el desarrollo de nuevas intervenciones psicológicas, tanto para la prevención como para el tratamiento y promoción…
Corrigendum: Psychological Effects of a 1-Month Meditation Retreat on Experienced Meditators: The Role of Non-attachment
Retos de la investigación psicológica en salud mental
The magnitude and impact of mental disorders does not correspond to the resources devoted to research and attention. Although we have made significant progress in their understanding and the efficacy of the psychological treatments, we are still far from an optimal situation. This paper focuses on one of the major issues which we consider fundamental challenges and needs in this area, the increase in research focusing on psychopathology, especially on the mechanisms and processes that explain and maintain mental disorders, as a key point for the design and development of new psychological interventions for the prevention, treatment, and promotion of mental health. The aim is to promote disc…