J. P. Liu
Measurement ofχcjdecaying intopn¯π−andpn¯π−π0
Using (106.41 +/- 0.86) x 10(6) Psi(3686) events collected with the BESIII detector at BEPCII, we study for the first time the decay chi(cJ) -> eta'K+K- (J = 1, 2), where eta' -> gamma rho(0) and eta' -> eta pi(+)pi(-). A partial wave analysis in the covariant tensor amplitude formalism is performed for the decay chi(c1) -> eta'K+K-. Intermediate processes chi(c1) -> eta'f(2)'(1525) chi(c1) -> K-0*(1430)K-+/-(-/+) (K-0*(1430)(+/-) -> eta'K-+/-) are observed with statistical significances larger than 5 sigma, and their branching fractions are measured.
Evidence of a Resonant Structure in the Cross Section between 4.05 and 4.60 GeV
The cross section of the process e^{+}e^{-}→π^{+}D^{0}D^{*-} for center-of-mass energies from 4.05 to 4.60 GeV is measured precisely using data samples collected with the BESIII detector operating at the BEPCII storage ring. Two enhancements are clearly visible in the cross section around 4.23 and 4.40 GeV. Using several models to describe the dressed cross section yields stable parameters for the first enhancement, which has a mass of 4228.6±4.1±6.3 MeV/c^{2} and a width of 77.0±6.8±6.3 MeV, where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second ones are systematic. Our resonant mass is consistent with previous observations of the Y(4220) state and the theoretical prediction of a D…