Sylow subgroups and the number of conjugacy classes of p-elements
On the number of zeros in the columns of the character table of a group
2-Groups with few rational conjugacy classes
Abstract In this paper we prove the following conjecture of G. Navarro: if G is a finite 2-group with exactly 5 rational conjugacy classes, then G is dihedral, semidihedral or generalized quaternion. We also characterize the 2-groups with 4 rational classes.
On the number of conjugacy classes of zeros of characters
Letm be a fixed non-negative integer. In this work we try to answer the following question: What can be said about a (finite) groupG if all of its irreducible (complex) characters vanish on at mostm conjugacy classes? The classical result of Burnside about zeros of characters says thatG is abelian ifm=0, so it is reasonable to expect that the structure ofG will somehow reflect the fact that the irreducible characters vanish on a bounded number of classes. The same question can also be posed under the weaker hypothesis thatsome irreducible character ofG hasm classes of zeros. For nilpotent groups we shall prove that the order is bounded by a function ofm in the first case but only the derive…