Threshold expansion of the sunset diagram
By use of the threshold expansion we develop an algorithm for analytical evaluation, within dimensional regularization, of arbitrary terms in the expansion of the (two-loop) sunset diagram with general masses m_1, m_2 and m_3 near its threshold, i.e. in any given order in the difference between the external momentum squared and its threshold value, (m_1+m_2+m_3)^2. In particular, this algorithm includes an explicit recurrence procedure to analytically calculate sunset diagrams with arbitrary integer powers of propagators at the threshold.
Explicit results for all orders of the epsilon-expansion of certain massive and massless diagrams
An arbitrary term of the epsilon-expansion of dimensionally regulated off-shell massless one-loop three-point Feynman diagram is expressed in terms of log-sine integrals related to the polylogarithms. Using magic connection between these diagrams and two-loop massive vacuum diagrams, the epsilon-expansion of the latter is also obtained, for arbitrary values of the masses. The problem of analytic continuation is also discussed.
Analytical evaluation of certain on-shell two-loop three-point diagrams
An analytical approach is applied to the calculation of some dimensionally-regulated two-loop vertex diagrams with essential on-shell singularities. Such diagrams are important for the evaluation of QED corrections to the muon decay, QCD corrections to top quark decays t->W^{+}b, t->H^{+}b, etc.
Connection between certain massive and massless diagrams
A useful connection between two-loop massive vacuum integrals and one-loop off-shell triangle diagrams with massless internal particles is established for arbitrary values of the space-time dimension {ital n}. {copyright} {ital 1996 The American Physical Society.}
Effect ofmconbquark chromomagnetic interaction and on-shell two-loop integrals with two masses
The effect of non-zero c quark mass on b quark HQET Lagrangian, up to 1/mb level, is calculated at two loops. The results are expressed in terms of dilogarithmic functions of mc/mb. This calculation involves on-shell two-loop propagator-type diagrams with two different masses, mb and mc. A general algorithm for reducing such Feynman integrals to the basis of two nontrivial and two trivial integrals is constructed.
One-loop results for the quark-gluon vertex in arbitrary dimension
Results on the one-loop quark-gluon vertex with massive quarks are reviewed, in an arbitrary covariant gauge and in arbitrary space-time dimension. We show how it is possible to get on-shell results from the general off-shell expressions. The corresponding Ward-Slavnov-Taylor identity is discussed.
Quark mass dependence of the one-loop three-gluon vertex in arbitrary dimension
The one-loop off-shell massive quark contribution to the three-gluon vertex is calculated in an arbitrary space-time dimension. The results for all relevant on-shell and symmetric limits are obtained directly from the general off-shell results. The analytic structure of the results for the relevant massive scalar integrals is also discussed.
On-shell two-loop three-gluon vertex
The two-loop three-gluon vertex is calculated in an arbitrary covariant gauge, in the limit when two of the gluons are on the mass shell. The corresponding two-loop results for the ghost-gluon vertex are also obtained. It is shown that the results are consistent with the Ward-Slavnov-Taylor identities.