Cutting efficiency of heat-treated nickel-titanium single-file systems at different incidence angles.
Cutting efficiency of Reciproc R25 (REC) and Reciproc blue R25 (REB) at different inclinations was evaluated. Sixty new files were tested at 90°, 70° and 45° of inclination in relation to the sample (n = 10), using a customised machine. All files were activated in reciprocation against standardised gypsum blocks for 120 s. Cutting efficiency was determined by measuring the block weight loss with an analytical balance and measuring the length of the block surface cut using a digital calliper. Data were statistically analysed (two-way ANOVA, Bonferroni t-test) with the significance level set at P < 0.05. There was no difference for REC among the tested angles. REB had no statistical differenc…