Mario Lima
Bedside surgery in the newborn infants: Survey of the Italian society of pediatric surgery
Abstract Introduction This is the report of the first official survey from the Italian Society of Pediatric Surgery (ISPS) to appraise the distribution and organization of bedside surgery in the neonatal intensive care units (NICU) in Italy. Methods A questionnaire requesting general data, staff data and workload data of the centers was developed and sent by means of an online cloud-based software instrument to all Italian pediatric surgery Units. Results The survey was answered by 34 (65%) out of 52 centers. NICU bedside surgery is reported in 81.8% of the pediatric surgery centers. A lower prevalence of bedside surgical practice in the NICU was reported for Southern Italy and the islands …
Laparoscopic removal of mullerian duct remnants in boys
Abstract: Purpose: Mullerian duct remnants (MDRs) are present in a male pseudohermaphroditic form characterized by failure of the mullerian duct to regress due to insufficient production or peripheral action of mullerian inhibiting substance. The MDR can be asymptomatic but it often results in infections, stones and voiding troubles. Furthermore, it may develop into a neoplasm. Therefore, surgery is mandatory for large MDRs and symptomatic patients. Laparoscopic removal is described. Materials and Methods: Six males were treated from February 1998 to February 2003. Age at surgery was between 3 and 18 years (mean 8.6). All patients showed severe hypospadias and 2 had mixed gonadal dysgenesis…
Additional file 1 of Point of view of the Italians pediatric scientific societies about the pediatric care during the COVID-19 lockdown: what has changed and future prospects for restarting
Additional file 1. Fiarped questionnaire.
A giant fetal urinoma in a neonate without detectable obstructive uropathy
UNLABELLED Fetal urinoma is an uncommon finding in prenatal investigations. Most previous reports have, almost in every case, referred to the presence of an obstructive uropathy and thus to very high pressure in the upper urinary tract during fetal life. In this paper we present a prenatally detected fetal giant urinoma occurring in the absence of an apparent obstructive uropathy but associated with an ipsilateral vesico-ureteral reflux. CASE REPORT A 5-day-old boy, born after a caesarean section in the 37th week of gestation, but without any perinatal distress, came under our observation because of the evidence of a right upper quadrant abdominal mass. This mass had already been detected p…
Posterior One-Trocar-Assisted Pyeloplasty
Introduction Ureteropelvic junction obstruction is the most common pediatric obstructive uropathy. Retroperitoneal lap- aroscopic-assisted dismembered pyeloplasty (OTAP) combines the advantages of a retroperitoneal approach with the high success rate of the open technique. A modification of the OTAP, using a posterior muscle-sparing incision to approach the kidney, is described. Surgical technique With the patient placed in prone position, a transverse 15-mm-long skin incision is made. A 12-mm bal- loon Hasson trocar with operative telescope is inserted after the Gerota’s fascia has been opened. The ureteropelvic junction is exteriorized and a traditional dismembered pyeloplasty is performe…
Point of view of the Italians pediatric scientific societies about the pediatric care during the COVID-19 lockdown: What has changed and future prospects for restarting
Abstract Background The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is currently rare in children and they seem to have a milder disease course and better prognosis than adults. However, SARS-Cov-2 pandemic has indirectly caused problems in pediatric medical assistance. In view of this we wanted to draw a picture of what happened during health emergency and analyze future prospects for restarting. Methods We involved the Italian pediatric scientific societies institutionally collected in the Italian Federation of Associations and Scientific Societies of the Pediatric Area (FIARPED); We sent a questionnaire to all scientific societies about the pediatric care activity during the COVID-19 emergency a…
Surgical Antimicrobial Prophylaxis in Abdominal Surgery for Neonates and Paediatrics: A RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method Consensus Study.
Surgical site infections (SSIs), i.e., surgery-related infections that occur within 30 days after surgery without an implant and within one year if an implant is placed, complicate surgical procedures in up to 10% of cases, but an underestimation of the data is possible since about 50% of SSIs occur after the hospital discharge. Gastrointestinal surgical procedures are among the surgical procedures with the highest risk of SSIs, especially when colon surgery is considered. Data that were collected from children seem to indicate that the risk of SSIs can be higher than in adults. This consensus document describes the use of preoperative antibiotic prophylaxis in neonates and children that ar…