Can Psychodynamically Oriented Early Prevention for “Children-at-Risk” in Urban Areas With High Social Problem Density Strengthen Their Developmental Potential? A Cluster Randomized Trial of Two Kindergarten-Based Prevention Programs
Children who live on the margins of society are disadvantaged in achieving their developmental potential because of the lack of a necessary stable environment and nurturing care. Many early prevention programs aim at mitigating such effects, but often the evaluation of their long-term effect is missing. The aim of the study presented here was to evaluate such long-term effects in two prevention programs for children-at-risk growing up in deprived social environments focusing on child attachment representation as the primary outcome as well as on self-reflective capacities of teachers taking care of these children. The latter was a key component for promoting resilient behavior in children. …
Dreams and Trauma Changes in the Manifest Dreams in Psychoanalytic Treatments - A Psychoanalytic Outcome Measure.
Although psychoanalysts are interested in symptom reduction as an outcome, they are looking for instruments to measure sustaining changes in the unconscious mental functioning. In this article it is discussed that conceptually well-founded transformation of manifest dreams analyzed with precise empirical methods could be considered as a promising indicator for such therapeutic changes. We are summarizing a dream generation model by Moser and von Zeppelin which has integrated a large interdisciplinary knowledge base of contemporary dream and sleep research. Based on this model the authors have developed a valid and reliable coding system for analyzing manifest dreams, the Zurich Dream Proces…