Tuija Mikkola
Genetic and environmental contributions to bone structural strength in postmenopausal women
Muscle cross-sectional area and structural bone strength share genetic and environmental effects in older women
The purpose of this study was to estimate to what extent muscle cross-sectional area of the lower leg (mCSA) and tibial structural strength are influenced by common and trait-specific genetic and environmental factors. pQCT scans were obtained from both members of 102 monozygotic (MZ) and 113 dizygotic (DZ) 63- to 76-yr-old female twin pairs to estimate the mCSA of the lower leg, structural bending strength of the tibial shaft (BSIbend), and compressive strength of the distal tibia (BSIcomp). Quantitative genetic models were used to decompose the phenotypic variances into common and trait-specific additive genetic (A), shared environmental (C), and individual environmental (E) effects. The …
Additional file 3: of Hearing loss and use of health services: a population-based cross-sectional study among Finnish older adults
Table on the associations between self-reported hearing difficulty and health service use in older adults when accounting for missing data with maximum likelihood. Multivariable adjusted odds ratios (OR) for self-reported hearing difficulty explaining use of health services when accounting for missing data with maximum likelihood method (N = 2144). (PDF 6 kb)
Additional file 2: of Hearing loss and use of health services: a population-based cross-sectional study among Finnish older adults
Table on health service use in older adults with (pure-tone hearing level > 25 dB) and without hearing loss. Age-sex adjusted proportions person with (N = 787) and without hearing loss (better-ear hearing level at frequencies 0.5–2 kHz >25 dB, N = 893) and multivariable-adjusted odds ratios for hearing loss explaining use of health services. (PDF 234 kb)
Genetic effects on life-space mobility in older women
Reduced volumetric bone mineral density and geometric properties of tibia in hip fracture patients
Additional file 1: of Hearing loss and use of health services: a population-based cross-sectional study among Finnish older adults
Table on the associations between hearing loss and health service use in older adults when accounting for missing data with maximum likelihood. Multivariable adjusted odds ratios (OR) for hearing loss explaining use of health services when accounting for missing data with maximum likelihood method (N = 2144). (PDF 211 kb)
Randomoitu kontrolloitu tutkimus keski-ikäisten miesten unettomuudesta
Unettomuus on yleinen ongelma, jonka hoito on kansaterveydellisesti erittäin tärkeää. Koska unettomuuden yleisimmällä hoitokeinolla lääkityksellä on paljon haitallisia sivuvaikutuksia, on tärkeää tutkia unettomuuden vaihtoehtoisia hoitokeinoja. Tämän Pro Gradu -tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää kestävyysliikunnan vaikutusta unen laatuun ja määrään keski-ikäisillä unettomuudesta kärsivillä miehillä. Satunnaistetussa kontrolloidussa tutkimuksessa 42 vähän liikkuvaa vapaaehtoista 30–65-vuotiasta unettomuudesta kärsivää miestä Keski-Suomen sairaanhoitopiiristä (keski-ikä 51 [1.6] vuotta) jaettiin liikunta- ja kontrolliryhmään. Liikuntaryhmäläiset noudattivat yksilölli-sesti suunniteltua pro…
Aistien heikkeneminen rajoittaa ikäihmisten sosiaalista elämää
Influence of long-term postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy on estimated structural bone strength: A study in discordant monozygotic twins.
Although postmenopausal hormone-replacement therapy (HRT) is known to prevent fractures, knowledge on the influence of long-term HRT on bone strength and its determinants other than areal bone mineral density is scarce. This study used a genetically controlled design with 24 monozygotic female twin pairs aged 54 to 72 years in which one cotwin was using HRT (mean duration 8 years) and the other had never used HRT. Estimated bone strength, cross-sectional area, volumetric bone mineral density, bone mineral mass, and cross-sectional density and mass distributions were assessed in the tibial shaft, distal tibia, and distal radius with peripheral computed tomography (pQCT). In the tibial shaft,…