Roberts Paeglis

Acu kinemātikas mērījumi kognitīvo procesu raksturošanai

Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumus

research product

Eye Kinematics of Athletes in Non-Familiar Sports Situations

Biological motion can hardly be imitated, starting from how a person observes and learns motor behaviour. We recorded eye movements of 13 female ball games athletes and 13 age-matched controls observing videos of unfamiliar sports. The athletes are better at alternating between faster and slower eye movement modalities. They initially use longer but fewer fixations than the non-athletes.

research product

The Hilbert transform of horizontal gaze position during natural image classification by saccades

Eye movements are a behavioral response that can be involved in tasks as complicated as natural image classification. This report confirms that pro- and anti-saccades can be used by a volunteer to designate target (animal) or non-target images that were centered 16 degrees off the fixation point. With more than 86% correct responses, 11 participants responded to targets in 470 milliseconds on average, starting as quick as 245 milliseconds. Furthermore, tracking the gaze position is considered a powerful method in the studies of recognition as the saccade response times, ocular dynamics and the events around the response time can be calculated from the data sampled 240 times per second. The …

research product

Maximizing reading: pattern analysis to describe points of gaze

As people read texts, their points of gaze can be described either as a sequence or as a pattern of dots. If reading fixations are visualized as a pattern and their duration is graphically attributed to the 3 rd dimension, image processing techniques can be employed to describe individual reading styles. Two reader groups of text editors and of University students were matching according to parametric tests. Yet they appeared to have marked inter-subject variability of fixation distribution when individual cases were considered. To illustrate this, we applied a simple "Coulomb law" - like model that takes both fixation duration and spacing into account. Further the image entropy filter was …

research product

Zinātnes sasniegumu pieminēšana Bībelē

Bībelē ir apgalvojumi, kuri ir saprotami ar mūsdienu zinātnes atklājumiem

research product

<title>Latvian and Russian textbooks: eye movements in reading text formatted in two columns</title>

Research of eye movements in reading textbooks suggests that reading the Cyrillic-based Russian language differs from reading the extended Latin-based Latvian texts. Ten bilingual students were asked to start reading a book passage in Latvian and to continue reading the text in Russian. Key parameters in information processing have been analyzed. Even though the difference in duration of fixations does not reach statistical significance, saccade size and regression rate are smaller in Russian.

research product

What Conclusions does Rapid Image Classification by Eye Movements Provide for Machine Vision?

Human ability to rapidly classify images of natural objects has been a matter of study for more than a decade. Recently eye movements have been exploited as a behavioural response, which has lead to alternative hypotheses of natural image processing. In this research, twelve volunteers made a movement towards a briefly displayed digital image if it was an animal, and a movement away otherwise. In both cases, the average response time was more than 400 milliseconds.

research product

68th annual scientific conference of the University of Latvia. Faculty of Theology. "Science and Religion Dialogue” interdisciplinary group meeting.

LU 68. zinātniskā konference. Teoloģijas fakultātes sekcija „Zinātnes un Reliģijas dialogs”. „Zinātnes un reliģijas dialoga” interdisciplinārās grupas sēde 2010. gada 12. februārī, Latvijas universitāte, Raiņa bulv. 19, Mazā zāle (video skatīties: http://www.lu.lv/par/mediji/video/konferences/2010/religijaunzinatne/12022010/) Vadītājs Dainis Zeps 1. Normunds Titāns, „Zemes dzīvības rašanās teorijas(ekstraterestriālā kontaminācija versus spontānai ģenerācijai no ‘organiskās zupas’) un to antropoloģiski teoloģiskās implikācijas” 2. Iļja Feščenko: „Ārpusvisuma saprāta hipotēze” (Extraterrestrial intelligence hypothesis), scireprints.lu.lv/93/ 3. Dainis Zeps, „Evolūcija un kreatīvā kārtība: Dāv…

research product

Dinozauri Bībelē un zinātnē jeb "Dinozauru arheoloģiskās liecības no juras un triasa laikmeta kā zinātnes uzstādījums un bibliskā rekonstrukcija"

Lidojošais rāpulis pteranodons bija ar spārnu vēzienu kā kaujas lidmašīnai F4. Mūsdienu sikspārņu suga izmanto lielos ilkņus, lai pārkostu augļu mizu. Šī prezentācija turpina autora pārspriedumus par Bībeli un zudušo pasauli, izmantojot avotus no www.icr.org.

research product

NIR tracking assists sports medicine in junior basketball training

We recorded eye movements of eight elite junior basketball players. We hypothesized that a more stable gaze is correlated to a better shot rate. Upon preliminary testing we invited male juniors whose eyes could be reliably tracked in a game situation. To these ends, we used a head-mounted video-based eye tracker. The participants had no record of ocular or other health issues. No significant differences were found between shots made with and without the tracker cap, Paired samples t-test yielded p= .130 for the far and p=.900 > .050 for the middle range shots.The players made 40 shots from common far and middle range locations, 5 and 4 meters respectively for aged 14 years As expected, a st…

research product

Creation theory and related scientific questions (in Latvian)

This article discusses recent discoveries from creationist sources and common media that invite for the search of explanations alternative to classic evolutionism. Among the topical issues is the actual nature of dinosaurs and their possible co-existence with the modern man. Evidence exists for a global catastrophe that is reflected both in the fossil record and periodic climate changes. The mankind may have appeared on the earth without transition through primitive forms.

research product

Christians as science founders

research product

Color stabilizes textbook visual processing

We report that pages with color illustrations elicit more homogeneous duration of fixations in 12 elementary school children. For six first graders, we compared the reading of the color cover and a greyscale illustrated text page of an abcbook. For six second grade pupils, we demonstrated a color and a greyscale fairytale book page. The fixations we recorded are concordant with the duration for preschoolers reported elsewhere. Average duration of fixations on a page with color elements are shorter than on greyscale ones, 425 (SE=13.4) and 461 (18.3) ms, respectively. The correlation analysis lends support that a color page is processed differently than its greyscale version. Fixation durati…

research product

<title>Eye movements during silent and oral reading with stabilized versus free head movement and different eye-trackers</title>

Eye movement research of reading has been done on a battery of eye-tracking setups during last decades. We compared reading data of the same group of six students, their eyes were tracked by a video-based helmet-mounted system with the data sampling frequency of 50 Hz and a setup with a chin-rest at 240 Hz. We found that not only the number of fixations may decrease after reading practice, but so does also the mean duration of fixations. In spite of the short duration of saccades, their distributions and changes in them are similarly reported in the two experimental conditions. Lack of significant correlation in the HED data testifies to the result variability due to measurement technique. …

research product

<title>Eye model with controllable lens scattering</title>

A model of human eye for experiments in vision research has been developed using PLZT ceramics. This ``artificial eye{''} allows to simulate light scattering caused by cataract in the eye lens. Light scattering of a composite eye lens of the model depends on the electric field applied to a transparent electrooptic PLZT ceramics plate that is attached directly to the lens. The image degradation in such a model eye at various degrees of scattering is studied observing and recording the contrast of images on the ``retinal plane{''} created by standard test objects with different spatial frequency or by a He-Ne laser source passing a diffractive transparent placed before the eye.

research product

Noas izdzīvošanas māksla

Sniegti zinātniski apsvērumi par globālu plūdu iespējamību un Noas šķirsta ietilpību. Medijos plašu atsauksmi ir guvis Noas šķirsta jautājums. Tiek apgalvots, ka šāda konstrukcija ir redzēta Ararata kalnā mūsdienu Turcijas teritorijā. Teologi iebilst, ka fotografētais veidojums neatbilst bibliskā šķirsta dimensijām un drīzāk ir kalnu izcelsmes objekts. Otra populāri cilāts arguments ir sugu skaits, kas varētu ietilpt šķirstā. Zināms, ka Zeme ir novērota kā sugu izmiršanas, nevis izcelsmes vieta, agrāk bija vairāk, piemēram, par miljonu kukaiņu sugu. Šajā referātā autors jauniešu auditorijai atgādina par Bībelē minētajiem šķirsta izmēriem, ievērojot, ka „olekts” bija vismaz 45 centimetri. Ru…

research product