S. Bellia

Studio integrato di rocce sedimentarie da cave siciliane di interesse storico-artistico

research product

Environmental Radioactivity and Volcanological Features of Three Islands of the Mediterranean Sea (Pantelleria, Ustica and Vulcano)

Abstract The Mediterranean Sea is an area of great interest for its volcanic activities. This paper presents a comparative study of radiometric and chemical data regarding three volcanic islands located in southern Italy (Pantellena, Ustica, and Vulcano) characterized by different magmatic histories. Measurements of radionulide contents and chemical composition of rock samples belonging to the main lithologies present in the three islands were carried out the observed correlations among radiometric, chemical and mineralogical data reflect the differences in the volcanological genesis and suggest some hypotheses on the magmatic evolution.

research product

Seasonal variation of air kerma in the "Vulcano Porto" area (Aeolian Islands, Italy).

Abstract Air kerma was measured in the “Vulcano Porto” area of the Vulcano Island, belonging to the Aeolian Islands, in the Mediterranean Sea. Measurements were carried out using thermoluminescence dosimeters. The relationship between observed dose values and source lithology has been assessed. Data show a seasonal variation due to weather conditions but also probably related to features of the soils, making the variation more evident.

research product

Gamma activity and geochemical features of building materials: estimation of gamma dose rate and indoor radon levels in Sicily.

A high-purity germanium detector has been used to measure the abundance of radium (Ra), thorium (Th) and potassium (K) in building materials used in Sicilian dwellings. The measurements were performed to evaluate which material was suitable for the construction of an enclosure, which would have a low background emission. The materials examined in this work showed concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K dramatically variable depending on the lithologies, particularly in the case of blocks, sands and aggregates commonly used in building materials in Sicily. The results are discussed and a criterion is indicated to reduce the radiation dose to humans. Since radon inlet is a major health problem…

research product

Neolithic ceramic findings from western Sicily. Chemical – physical and mineralogical characterization

This paper presents the results of a study that is part of a wider research program regarding the knowledge of the initial living phases of Sicilian agricultural and pastoral societies.Three ceramic samples attributed to the medium initial Neolithic (NEO1 and NEO2) and to the first neolithic (NEO3), recovered in two different archaeological sites of the western Sicily, have been analysed. Chemical, mineralogical and spectroscopic data point out a similarity between NEO1 and NEO3 samples; compositional and morphological differences instead have been observed in the NEO2 sample. The firing temperatures of the samples have been estimated by Mössbauer spectroscopy; they are lower than 500°C for…

research product


The Caribbean Plate margins are constituted by deformed belts built up since the Cretaceous in acompressional and strike-slip stress field, which allowed overthrusting of the Caribbean crust onto the Pacific,North and South American Plates.The Caribbean borders include Jurassic-Cretaceous ophiolitic units (Great Antilles, Venezuela, Costa Rica,Guatemala, etc.), composed by mantle peridotites, gabbros, volcanic and sedimentary covers, which have beendeformed in at least two ductile penetrative phases and were often metamorphosed in the prehnite-pumpelleyite,green and blue schist, amphibolite, and in places eclogite facies. These units may present part of a subductioncomplex or are an accreti…

research product

Environmental Gamma Radiation Measurements on the Island of Pantelleria

The population exposure to those living on the island of Pantelleria, Italy, was estimated by measuring the natural gamma background. Gamma spectra of natural rocks and measurements of absorbed dose in air were taken. A correlation was found between the mean gamma exposure rate and the mean values of natural radionuclide concentrations in the investigated rocks.

research product

Environmental radioactivity at Stromboli (Aeolian Islands)

HPGe gamma spectrometry, thermoluminescence dosimetry, X-ray diffractometry and fluorescence techniques have been used to analyze the natural radionuclides content of soil and rock samples, air kerma and geochemical features on the island of Stromboli, belonging to the Aeolian Islands, in the Mediterranean Sea. The 214Bi, 238Ac, and 40K contents obtained are in agreement with the magmatic evolution of the rock formation, as shown by the correlations between radionuclide and chemical elements abundacies, depending on the various magmatic differentiation mechanisms. Correlations between radiometric, lithological and geochemical data have been assessed in order to obtain some hints on the geoc…

research product

Chemistry, mineralogy and radioactivity inposidonia oceanicameadows from North-Western Sicily

This paper presents measurements of major, minor, metal trace elements and radionuclides in sediments and in Posidonia oceanica samples from north-western Sicily (Italy). The mineralogical and chemical composition of sediments were determined by X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence techniques, respectively. A flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry was used to measure concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb in P. oceanica samples and in sediments. Specific activities of selected radionuclides have been determined by high-resolution gamma spectrometry. Standard statistical analysis was used to assess correlations between different elements and different sample types.

research product

Correlation of radioactivity measurements, air kerma rates and geological features of Sicily

Abstract Sicily, the largest Mediterranean island (with an extension of about 25 000 km 2 ), exhibits a very wide variety of lithologies, ranging from sedimentary to metamorphic and volcanic rocks. Principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) have been applied to air kerma values measured by thermoluminescent dosimetry in several sites and to data of radionuclide concentrations, geochemical and mineralogical features of rocks and soils sampled in 29 sites of Sicily to point out similarities among different lithologies. The study was devoted to find multiple correlations and allow a better classification of Sicilian lithotypes. Samples of rocks and soils have be…

research product