Jukka Forsman

Linking species interactions with phylogenetic and functional distance in European bird assemblages at broad spatial scales

Aim: Understanding the relative contribution of different species interactions in shaping community assembly has been a pivotal aim in community ecology. Biotic interactions are acknowledged to be important at local scales, although their signal is assumed to weaken over longer distances. We examine the relationship between positive, neutral and negative pairwise bird abundance distributions and the phylogenetic and functional distance between these pairs after first controlling for habitat associations. Location: France and Finland. Time period: 1984 to 2011 (Finland), 2001 to 2012 (France). Major Taxa studied: Birds. Methods: We used results from French and Finnish land bird monitoring pr…

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Manipulating Individual Decisions and Environmental Conditions Reveal Individual Quality in Decision-Making and Non-Lethal Costs of Predation Risk

Habitat selection is a crucial decision for any organism. Selecting a high quality site will positively impact survival and reproductive output. Predation risk is an important component of habitat quality that is known to impact reproductive success and individual condition. However, separating the breeding consequences of decision-making of wild animals from individual quality is difficult. Individuals face reproductive decisions that often vary with quality such that low quality individuals invest less. This reduced reproductive performance could appear a cost of increased risk but may simply reflect lower quality. Thus, teasing apart the effects of individual quality and the effect of pr…

research product

Observed Fitness May Affect Niche Overlap in Competing Species via Selective Social Information Use

Social information transmission is important because it enables horizontal spread of behaviors, not only between conspecifics but also between individuals of different species. Because interspecific social information use is expected to take place among species with similar resource needs, it may have major consequences for the emergence of local adaptations, resource sharing, and community organization. Social information use is expected to be selective, but the conditions promoting it in an interspecific context are not well known. Here, we experimentally test whether pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) use the clutch size of great tits (Parus major) in determining the quality of the ob…

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The effects of small-scale disturbance on forest birds: a meta-analysis

Small-scale disturbance is a significant process in all major forest biomes. Some silvicultural practices, particularly group selection harvesting, intend to emulate natural small-scale disturbance by harvesting small clearcuts in the continuous forest. We conducted a meta-analysis on the effects of small-scale harvesting on North American breeding forest birds. We extracted species richness and relative abundance of several functional bird groups and guilds from published studies and compared them between gap-dominated and unlogged forest as a function of forest type and the size and age of the gap. The abundance of many bird groups was higher in the gap-dominated than in the continuous f…

research product

Ecological and evolutionary consequences of selective interspecific information use

Recent work has shown that animals frequently use social information from individuals of their own species as well as from other species; however, the ecological and evolutionary consequences of this social information use remain poorly understood. Additionally, information users may be selective in their social information use, deciding from whom and how to use information, but this has been overlooked in an interspecific context. In particular, the intentional decision to reject a behaviour observed via social information has received less attention, although recent work has indicated its presence in various taxa. Based on existing literature, we explore in which circumstances selective i…

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Exploring the mechanisms by which reindeer droppings induce fen peat methane production

Abstract Peatlands, especially fens, are known to emit methane. Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) use mires mainly as spring and summer pastures. In this work we observed that adding reindeer droppings to fen peat increased the potential methane production by 40%. This became apparent when droppings originating from reindeer kept in pen or pasture in winter were added to methanogenic fen peat samples. The droppings introduced Methanobacteriaceae (Methanobrevibacter; > 90% of the mcrA MiSeq reads) to the peat, which was originally populated by Methanosarcinaceae, Methanosaetaceae, Methanoregulaceae, Methanobacteriaceae, Methanomassiliicoccaceae, Methanocellaceae and Methanomicrobiaceae. The origi…

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