G. Chabrier
Characterization By Electroreflectance Of Thin Films And Thin Film Interfaces In Layered Structures.
This paper reports investigations of ZnS quasi-amorphous films by electroreflectance (ER). The films were produced by thermal evaporation and their structure determined by electron diffraction. A voltage Vo cos cut was applied through the film with two evaporated Al electrodes. A lock-in amplifier gave 2 signals, Sf at f=ω/2π frequency and S2f at 2f frequency. The S2f spectrum, characteristic of the centrosymmetric bulk component of the film, reveals tails of localized states typical of amorphous semi-conductors. The Sf spectrum, characteristic of the interface layers with broken centro-symmetry, reveals tails of impurity levels which we attributed to diffusion of the electrode metal into t…
Recent Experimental Results with the PSTM: - Observation of a Step on a Quartz Surface. - Spatial Spectroscopy of Microwaveguides
The Photon Scanning Tunneling Microscope (PSTM) is based on the frustration of the total internal reflected beam by the end of an optical fiber. Till today it has been used to obtain topographic information generally for smooth samples. In this paper we report two different kinds of experimental results. First, when the sample is in the form of a step, our measurements demonstrate how the images, obtained in the constant intensity mode, depend on the orientation of the incident beam of light with respect to the step. Next, we show that the first derivative of the collected intensity with respect to the probe-sample distance at each point of the sample yields to a new kind of image named her…