Cluster Structure of9Be from3He+9Be Reaction
The study of inelastic scattering and multi-nucleon transfer reactions was performed by bombarding a 9Be target with a 3He beam at an incident energy of 30 MeV. Angular distributions for 9Be(3He,3He)9Be, 9Be(3He,4He)8Be, 9Be(3He,7Be)5He, 9Be(3He,6Li)6Li and 9Be(3He,7Li)5Li reaction channels were measured. Cross sections for channels leading to unbound 5He g.s ., 5Li g.s . and 8Be systems were obtained from singles measurements where the relationship between the energy and the scattering angle of the observed stable ejectile is constrained by two-body kinematics. Information on the cluster structure of 9Be was obtained from the transfer channels. It was concluded that cluster transfer is an …