Burger Birgitta
Relationships Between Spectral Flux, Perceived Rhythmic Strength, and the Propensity to Move
The tendency to move to music seems to be built into human nature. Previous studies have shown a relationship between movement and the degree of spectral flux in music, particularly in the lower sub-bands. In this study, listeners’ perceptions of a range of frequency-restricted musical stimuli were investigated in order to find relationships between perceived musical aspects (rhythm, melody, and fluctuation) and the spectral flux in three different frequency bands. Additionally, the relationship between the perception of features in specific frequency bands and participants’ desire to move was studied. Participants were presented with clips of frequency-restricted musical stimuli and answer…
Mocap Toolbox - A Matlab Toolbox For Computational Analysis Of Movement Data
The MoCap Toolbox is a set of functions written in Matlab for analyzing and visualizing motion capture data. It is aimed at investigating music-related movement, but can be beneficial for other research areas as well. Since the toolbox code is available as open source, users can freely adapt the functions according to their needs. Users can also make use of the additional functionality that Matlab offers, such as other toolboxes, to further analyze the features extracted with the MoCap Toolbox within the same environment. This paper describes the structure of the toolbox and its data representations, and gives an introduction to the use of the toolbox for research and analysis purposes. The…