Manuel J. Alejandre
Permutable products of supersoluble groups
We investigate the structure of finite groups that are the mutually permutable product of two supersoluble groups. We show that the supersoluble residual is nilpotent and the Fitting quotient group is metabelian. These results are consequences of our main theorem, which states that such a product is supersoluble when the intersection of the two factors is core-free in the group.
On a theorem of Berkovich
In a recent paper, Berkovich studied how to describe the nilpotent residual of a group in terms of the nilpotent residuals of some of its subgroups. That study required the knowledge of the structure of the minimal nonnilpotent groups, also called Schmidt groups. The major aim of this paper is to show that this description could be obtained as a consequence of a more complete property, giving birth to some interesting generalizations. This purpose naturally led us to the study of a family of subgroup-closed saturated formations of nilpotent type. An innovative approach to these classes is provided.
Finite Soluble Groups with Permutable Subnormal Subgroups
Abstract A finite group G is said to be a PST -group if every subnormal subgroup of G permutes with every Sylow subgroup of G . We shall discuss the normal structure of soluble PST -groups, mainly defining a local version of this concept. A deep study of the local structure turns out to be crucial for obtaining information about the global property. Moreover, a new approach to soluble PT -groups, i.e., soluble groups in which permutability is a transitive relation, follows naturally from our vision of PST -groups. Our techniques and results provide a unified point of view for T -groups, PT -groups, and PST -groups in the soluble universe, showing that the difference between these classes is…