Guido Pastore
The outcome of Wilms' tumor in infants. Italy 1970-79.
Thirty-four infants under 1 year of age with Wilms’ tumor were diagnosed and treated in 14 Italian pediatric oncology units during 1970-79. The 3-year survival rates decreased with higher group unilateral tumors: 95% in group I Wilms’ tumor, 75% in group II and 20% in group III. The survival rates for children with group I and II Wilms’ tumor were similar for those who were treated with surgery and chemotherapy and those who also received postoperative radiotherapy. During 1975-79 fewer patients with group I Wilms’ tumor received radiotherapy (1 of 11) than during 1970-74 (4 of 6, p < 0.05). All these children are alive at this writing.
Italian cancer figures, report 2013: Multiple tumours
This collaborative study, based on data collected by the network of Italian association of cancer registries (AIRTUM), provides updated estimates on the incidence risk of multiple primary cancer (MP). The objective is to highlight and quantify the bidirectional associations between different oncological diseases. The quantification of the excess or decreased risk of further cancers in cancer patients, in comparison with the general population, may contribute to understand the aetiology of cancer and to address clinical follow-up.Data herein presented were provided by AIRTUM population-based cancer registries, which cover nowadays 48% of the Italian population. This monograph utilizes the AI…
Survival of European children and young adults with cancer diagnosed 1995-2002
This study analyses survival in 40,392 children (age 0-14 years) and 30,187 adolescents/young adults (age 15-24 years) diagnosed with cancer between 1995 and 2002. The cases were from 83 European population-based cancer registries in 23 countries participating in EUROCARE-4. Five-year survival in countries and in regional groupings of countries was compared for all cancers combined and for major cancers. Survival for 15 rare cancers in children was also analysed. Five-year survival for all cancers combined was 81% in children and 87% in adolescents/young adults. Between-country survival differences narrowed for both children and adolescents/young adults. Relative risk of death reduced signi…
Italian registry of patients off therapy after childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Results after first phase of data collection
The Italian Registry of Off-Therapy patients after childhood tumors now includes 760 subjects with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. These patients were all removed from treatment by December 31, 1981, and were followed in 35 different institutions. All the children have received multiple-drug treatment, combined, in 79.7% of the cases, with cranial irradiation. Thirty-nine (5%) experienced a relapse before treatment suspension. Total duration of antileukemic therapy ranges between 18 and 131 months (median, 38). At the last updating (December 31, 1981), 699 subjects were alive, 6 were lost to follow-up, and 55 had died. Life-table analysis shows that 90.8% were alive and 77% were alive in cont…