María José Beltrán Meneu

Edma 0-6 : educación matemática en la infancia

There are numerous studies that support the interest of starting the development of algebraic thinking in Primary School. In this paper, we present a part of a research project aimed to explore the processes of solution of geometric pattern problems by students in Primary grades 4th to 6th. We analyze the behavior of students who were administered a teaching unit based on the resolution of this type of problems in the GeoPattern application, created by the authors for this purpose. A characteristic of the application is that it informs the students on the correctness of their answers and allows them to respond again to the same question when their answer was wrong. This causes the students …

research product

Pre-service Teacher Training in STEM: a Teaching Experience

El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar el diseño de la asignatura TIC como recurso didáctico en ciencias y matemáticas impartida en el grado en Maestro/a en Educación Primaria de la Universitat de València, durante los cursos 2013-14 y 2014-15, a partir del análisis de los trabajos del alumnado y de sus respuestas a un cuestionario. La finalidad de la asignatura es formar a maestros del ámbito STEM capaces de abordar una enseñanza integrada de las ciencias y las matemáticas mediante las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC). Los resultados muestran un elevado interés del alumnado por el enfoque de la materia, el diseño de actividades y el trabajo cooperativo. No obstante, se…

research product

Coloring Linear Algebra

[EN] We present an example of how we can introduce basic concepts on Linear Algebra in a first course of an Engineering School. We use the RGB pattern color which allows us to decompose a color into three primary colors (namely, red, green, blue). By using this model we give a natural connexion between the additivity of the color decomposition and the notions on linear algebra (as vector space, linear combination and convex linear span of vectors). To visualize these connexions we use Geogebra.

research product