Klaus Peter Kaiser
Tc-99m HMPAO Cerebral Scintigraphy A Reliable, Noninvaslve Method for Determination of Brain Death
To determine the usefulness of cerebral blood flow imaging for the diagnosis of brain death, 4 female and 12 male patients, aged 19 to 69 years and suffering from various intracranial lesions, were studied. In addition to neurologic examination, electroencephalographic recording, and cerebral angiography, tomographic brain scintigraphy was performed using a SPECT system with a LEAP collimator after the intravenous administration of 555 MBq Tc-99m HMPAO. The radioisotopic scanning procedure revealed no intracranial perfusion in 14 of the 16 patients. Only minimal cerebellar blood flow was seen in one patient. In another, residual right-sided supratentorial flow was initially present but abse…
Contribution of thallium-201-SPECT to the grading of tumorous alterations of the brain
Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) with thallium-201-chloride (201Tl) was used in 22 patients to assess the grade of malignancy of brain tumors. Low- and high-grade malignant gliomas could be well differentiated by calculating the Grade Index (GI), i.e., 201Tl uptake in the tumor area relative to a contralateral brain region. Low-grade gliomas (WHO-grade I-II) usually showed a GI of1.5. Tumors classified histologically as high-grade malignant (WHO-grade III-IV) had GI values greater than 1.42 and a mean value of 1.89. Until labelled amino-acid tracers for gamma-cameras become commercially available, thallium-201 brain-SPECT can provide an independent and complementary method…