Stefan Kappler
Monte-Carlo Study of Pure-Phase Cumulants of 2D q-State Potts Models
We performed Monte Carlo simulations of the two-dimensional q-state Potts model with q=10, 15, and 20 to study the energy and magnetization cumulants in the ordered and disordered phase at the first-order transition point $\beta_t$. By using very large systems of size 300 x 300, 120 x 120, and 80 x 80 for q=10, 15, and 20, respectively, our numerical estimates provide practically (up to unavoidable, but very small statistical errors) exact results which can serve as a useful test of recent resummed large-q expansions for the energy cumulants by Bhattacharya `et al.' [J. Phys. I (France) 7 (1997) 81]. Up to the third order cumulant and down to q=10 we obtain very good agreement, and also the…
Multibondic cluster algorithm for Monte Carlo simulations of first-order phase transitions.
Inspired by the multicanonical approach to simulations of first-order phase transitions we propose for $q$-state Potts models a combination of cluster updates with reweighting of the bond configurations in the Fortuin-Kastelein-Swendsen-Wang representation of this model. Numerical tests for the two-dimensional models with $q=7, 10$ and $20$ show that the autocorrelation times of this algorithm grow with the system size $V$ as $\tau \propto V^\alpha$, where the exponent takes the optimal random walk value of $\alpha \approx 1$.
Monte Carlo study of cluster-diameter distribution: An observable to estimate correlation lengths
We report numerical simulations of two-dimensional $q$-state Potts models with emphasis on a new quantity for the computation of spatial correlation lengths. This quantity is the cluster-diameter distribution function $G_{diam}(x)$, which measures the distribution of the diameter of stochastically defined cluster. Theoretically it is predicted to fall off exponentially for large diameter $x$, $G_{diam} \propto \exp(-x/\xi)$, where $\xi$ is the correlation length as usually defined through the large-distance behavior of two-point correlation functions. The results of our extensive Monte Carlo study in the disordered phase of the models with $q=10$, 15, and $20$ on large square lattices of si…
The crossover from first to second-order finite-size scaling: a numerical study
We consider a particular case of the two dimensional Blume-Emery-Griffiths model to study the finite-size scaling for a field driven first-order phase transition with two coexisting phases not related by a symmetry. For low temperatures we verify the asymptotic (large volume) predictions of the rigorous theory of Borgs and Kotecky. Near the critical temperature we show that all data fit onto a unique curve, even when the correlation length ξ becomes comparable to or larger than the size of the system, provided the linear dimension L of the system is rescaled by ξ