Thomas Dreier
Self-focusing in Terbium Gallium Garnet using Z-scan
International audience; When illuminated near its resonance with an Ar ion laser beam (lambda=488 nm), laser induced thermal self-focusing is observed in Terbium Gallium Garnet. The crystal exhibits a strong intensity dependent refractive index change Dn. The Z-scan technique is used to study the beam waist change due to Dn. The refractive index is found to be well described by a quadratic spatial distribution model. Both the sign and the distribution coefficient of Dn are determined.
Dual-broadband rotational CARS modelling of nitrogen at pressures up to 9 MPa. II. Rotational Raman line widths
International audience; Rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) is a well-established spectroscopic technique for thermometry at pre-combustion temperatures an atmospheric pressure. However, at pressures of several MPa, a previous investigation revealed large discrepancies between experimental data and the theoretical model. A re-evaluation has been made of these data (at room temperature and in the range 1.5-9 MPa) with two improvements to the spectral code. The first is the inclusion of an inter-branch interference effect, which is described in detail in Paper I. The second is the use of experimental S-1-branch Raman line widths measured at 295 K, with a temperature depe…