Anni Herranen

Morphological and biochemical features of Borrelia burgdorferi pleomorphic forms

The spirochaete bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato is the causative agent of Lyme disease, the most common tick-borne infection in the northern hemisphere. There is a long-standing debate regarding the role of pleomorphic forms in Lyme disease pathogenesis, while very little is known about the characteristics of these morphological variants. Here, we present a comprehensive analysis of B. burgdorferi pleomorphic formation in different culturing conditions at physiological temperature. Interestingly, human serum induced the bacterium to change its morphology to round bodies (RBs). In addition, biofilm-like colonies in suspension were found to be part of B. burgdorferi’s normal in vitr…

research product

Pleomorphic forms of Borrelia burgdorferi induce distinct immune responses.

Borrelia burgdorferi is the causative agent of tick-borne Lyme disease. As a response to environmental stress B. burgdorferi can change its morphology to a round body form. The role of B. burgdorferi pleomorphic forms in Lyme disease pathogenesis has long been debated and unclear. Here, we demonstrated that round bodies were processed differently in differentiated macrophages, consequently inducing distinct immune responses compared to spirochetes in vitro. Colocalization analysis indicated that the F-actin participates in internalization of both forms. However, round bodies end up less in macrophage lysosomes than spirochetes suggesting that there are differences in processing of these for…

research product

Unraveling the pleomorphic forms of Borrelia burgdorferi

Borrelia burgdorferi bakteeri on puutiaisten välittämän borrelioosin taudinaiheuttaja. Tämä tavanomaisesti spirokeettana esiintyvä bakteeri kykenee vaihtamaan muotoaan ympäristöolosuhteiden muuttuessa epäsuotuisiksi. Borrelia-bakteerin eri esiintymismuotojen uskotaan olevan borrelioosin pitkittyneen taudinkuvan takana, minkä vuoksi näiden muotojen tutkiminen on tärkeää. Tämän pro gradu –työn tavoitteena oli tutkia B. burgdorferin pleomorfisia muotoja ja löytää muotoja erottavia morfologisia tekijöitä sekä eroja proteiiniekspressiossa ja borrelioosipotilasseerumivasteessa spirokeettojen ja pyöreän esiintymismuodon välillä. Olettamuksena oli, että konfokaalimikroskopialla muotojen väliltä löy…

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