María Luisa Moltó
Paid employment and unpaid caring work in Spain
The objective of this paper is to investigate the determinants of unpaid time in caring activities, with a special emphasis on the gender dimension. Data from the Household Panel Survey for Spain is used to estimate an ordered probit model for the hours interval in care of children and adult people in need of care. The results show that gender is one of the key determinants of the distribution of time in caring. Being in paid employment is also an important factor in the time devoted to caring. Demographic variables like age, marital status and education are also relevant, particularly in the case of women. Finally, cultural habits and customs are also important.
Unemployment Determinants for Women in Spain
Spain has one of the highest rates of unemployment among OECD countries. Some explanations for this stress the importance of unemployment duration compared with entry rates to the unemployment pool. Long-term unemployment rates are particularly high among women in Spain. The object of this paper is to investigate the determinants of unemployment duration among women. It will consider personal characteristics (education and age), family background, socio-economic variables (the number of household earners and household income) and the effect of unemployment benefits, using data from the Household Expenditure Survey 1990-91.
This paper implements the conceptual framework sketched by Pyatt (1990) to construct an extended Social Accounting Matrix for Spain in 1995 (ESAM-95) to consider, in addition to the market economy, the production of services provided by households through unpaid work. In doing so, the ESAM-95 integrates the accounts related to market activities (ESA accounts) with non-market activities (non-ESA accounts) in a consistent way. Additional classifications are introduced in both ESA and non-ESA accounts in order to disaggregate the institutional accounts by household type and those of production factors by educational level and gender. The extended SAM is useful to calibrate CGE models in which …
Time Use and Food Taxation in Spain
We evaluate the welfare impact of changing the VAT on food in a context in which households can produce home meals for own consumption that compete with meals served in restaurants. Home production of meals requires the combination of food and time inputs. The fiscal treatment in home production of both the inputs and the final product differs from market production of meals, generating different channels of inefficiency. We calibrate a simple general-equilibrium model for the Spanish economy that identifies three types of consumers according to their income, and simulate the effects of some experiments related to how food is taxed. The results suggest that if we focus only on aggregate wel…