Calculation of Proton-Deuteron Elastic Scattering at 10 MeV with a Realistic Potential
We present the first results of a calculation of the differential cross section and of polarization observables for proton-deuteron elastic scattering at 10thinspthinspMeV proton laboratory energy, for the Paris potential. The method used is the {open_quotes}screening and renormalization approach{close_quotes} which allows one to correctly take into account the Coulomb repulsion between the two protons. Comparison is made with the precise experimental data of Sagara {ital et al.}thinspthinsp[Phys.thinspthinspRev.thinspthinspC {bold 50}, 576 (1994)] and of Sperison {ital et al.}thinspthinsp[Nucl.thinspthinspPhys.thinspthinsp{bold A422}, 81 (1984)]. {copyright} {ital 1998} {ital The American …