Giulio Pellegrini
A portable telescope based on the ALIBAVA system for test beam studies
Abstract A test beam telescope has been built using the ALIBAVA system to drive its data acquisition. The basic telescope planes consist of four XYT stations. Each station is built from a detector board with two strip sensors, mounted one in each side (strips crossing at 90°). The ensemble is coupled to an ALIBAVA daughter board. These stations act as reference frame and allow a precise track reconstruction. The system is triggered by the coincidence signal of the two scintillators located up and down stream. The telescope can hold several devices under tests. Each ALIBAVA daughter board is linked to its corresponding mother board. The system can hold up to 16 mother boards. A master board …
Beam test measurements of Low Gain Avalanche Detector single pads and arrays for the ATLAS High Granularity Timing Detector
For the high luminosity upgrade of the LHC at CERN, ATLAS is considering the addition of a High Granularity Timing Detector (HGTD) in front of the end cap and forward calorimeters at |z|= 3.5 m and covering the region 2.4 <|η|< 4 to help reducing the effect of pile-up. The chosen sensors are arrays of 50 μm thin Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGAD). This paper presents results on single LGAD sensors with a surface area of 1.3×1.3 mm2 and arrays with 2×2 pads with a surface area of 2×2 mm2 or 3×3 mm2 each and different implant doses of the p+ multiplication layer. They are obtained from data collected during a beam test campaign in autumn 2016 with a pion beam of 120 GeV energy at the CERN SP…
Large area strip edgeless detectors fabricated by plasma etching process
This work presents the last results from large area edgeless detector, fabricated by Plasma Etching Process to reduce the conventional width of the terminating structure of position sensitive detectors to the detector rim.. A current terminating ring is used to decouple the electrical behavior of the surface from the sensitive volume within a few tens of micrometers. The detectors have been illuminated using an infrared laser and their surface scanned in order to understand their collection behavior at the cut edge. The detectors have very high efficiency up to the insensitive area which is located about 60 mum from the detector edge.
Silicon detectors for the sLHC
In current particle physics experiments, silicon strip detectors are widely used as part of the inner tracking layers. A foreseeable large-scale application for such detectors consists of the luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the super-LHC or sLHC, where silicon detectors with extreme radiation hardness are required. The mission statement of the CERN RD50 Collaboration is the development of radiation-hard semiconductor devices for very high luminosity colliders. As a consequence, the aim of the RandD programme presented in this article is to develop silicon particle detectors able to operate at sLHC conditions. Research has progressed in different areas, such as defect …
Technology of p-type microstrip detectors with radiation hard p-spray, p-stop and moderated p-spray insulations
5 pages, 8 figures.-- PACS nrs.: 29.40.Gx; 29.40.-- ISI Article Identifier: 000249604700010.
Radiation-hard semiconductor detectors for SuperLHC
An option of increasing the luminosity of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN to 10^35 cm^(- 2) s(- 1) has been envisaged to extend the physics reach of the machine. An efficient tracking down to a few centimetres from the interaction point will be required to exploit the physics potential of the upgraded LHC. As a consequence, the semiconductor detectors close to the interaction region will receive severe doses of fast hadron irradiation and the inner tracker detectors will need to survive fast hadron fluences of up to above 1016 cm 2. The CERN-RD50 project ''Development of Radiation Hard Semiconductor Devices for Very High Luminosity Colliders'' has been established in 2002 to explore…