Paul Avillach

Réflexions sur l’identification du patient dans les systèmes d’information de santé

Resume Objectif Le but de notre etude est de faire le point sur les concepts de base et les methodologies mises en œuvre dans les systemes d’informations de sante pour identifier le patient. Methodologie La methode utilisee est une analyse des contraintes intrinseques et extrinseques des systemes deja utilisees liees respectivement a leurs objectifs et aux exigences ethiques ; et une recherche d’assise methodologique ouverte, evolutive basee sur le constat illusoire d’identifiant unique et universel. Resultat Malgre de nombreuses contraintes notre analyse des differents travaux montre que certaines solutions sont envisageables. Celles-ci sont centrees sur un modele simple d’identification r…

research product

EHRtemporalVariability: delineating temporal dataset shifts in electronic health records

AbstractBackgroundTemporal variability in healthcare processes or protocols is intrinsic to medicine. Such variability can potentially introduce dataset shifts, a data quality issue when reusing electronic health records (EHRs) for secondary purposes. Temporal dataset shifts can present as trends, abrupt or seasonal changes in the statistical distributions of data over time, being particularly complex to address in multi-modal and highly coded data. These changes, if not delineated, can harm population and data-driven research, such as machine learning. Given that biomedical research repositories are increasingly being populated with large historical data from EHRs, there is a need for spec…

research product

Using Discharge Abstracts to Evaluate a Regional Perinatal Network: Assessment of the Linkage Procedure of Anonymous Data

To assess the Burgundy perinatal network (18 obstetrical units; 18 500 births per year), discharge abstracts and additional data were collected for all mothers and newborns. In accordance with French law, data were rendered anonymous before statistical analysis, and were linked to patients using a specific procedure. This procedure allowed data concerning each mother to be linked to those for her newborn(s). This study showed that all mothers and newborns were included in the regional database; the data for all mothers were linked to those for their infant(s) in all cases. Additional data (gestational age) were obtained for 99.9% of newborns.

research product