Rosa María Yagüe Perales

Análisis del comportamiento de la demanda de turismo rural desde la experiencia de la comarca El Alto Palancia

This study is intended to delve into the tastes and preferences of tourists visiting rural areas in Spain as an alternative to the traditional sun and beach holiday that dominates Spanish tourism. This paper is focused on the demand side of rural tourism; more specifically the extent to which tourists visiting a Spanish rural area. El Alto Palancia region, exhibit different behaviours depending on age, gender, incomes and educational background. The homogeneity of behaviour across several categories of tourists was tested in two sets of variables. First, «interest in certain resources associated with rural tourism», focused on natural and architectural resources that sustains the tourist's …

research product

La adaptación al uso turístico del patrimonio cultural : una propuesta metodológica de evaluación

El patrimoni és una construcció sociocultural i la seva funció depèn dels valors, interessos, tradicions i identitats de cada societat i de cada moment, de manera que queda subjecta tant al seu valor intrínsec com a allò que representa. Quan aquest patrimoni desperta l'interès en el turisme, apareix una nova funció, però, com que cap patrimoni ha nascut amb la finalitat d'oci, el seu condicionament resulta una tasca indiscutible. Aquesta investigació se centra en aquest procés de transformació per a l'ús turístic del patrimoni cultural immoble, amb l'ànim d'identificar quins elements són necessaris perquè l'activitat turística sigui adequada. L'acadèmia (via Delphi) i els visitants cultural…

research product

Rural tourism in Spain

Abstract The aim of this study is to determine the features that characterize a new tourist class, called modern rural tourism, and to figure out the proportion of this market in one specific Spanish region. The geographical territory under study is El Alto Palancia, one of the best known rural resorts, within the Valencian region. In order to fulfil these goals, an empirical study was undertaken and an econometric model was applied afterwards. A wide set of variables has been selected for the Logit Binomial Model, which is shown to be useful in discriminating the modern from traditional tourists.

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