Johannes Feist

Multi-scale dynamics simulations of molecular polaritons: The effect of multiple cavity modes on polariton relaxation

It is included two versions of this item: the Accepted Version which is already Open Access and the Published Version which is under an embargo period till 2022-03-09.

research product

Enhanced Excitation Energy Transfer under Strong Light-Matter Coupling: Insights from Multi-Scale Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Exciton transport can be enhanced in the strong coupling regime where excitons hybridise with confined light modes to form polaritons. Because polaritons have group velocity, their propagation should be ballistic and long-ranged. However, experiments indicate that organic polaritons propagate in a diffusive manner and more slowly than their group velocity. Here, we resolve this controversy by means of molecular dynamics simulations of Rhodamine molecules in a Fabry-P\'{e}rot cavity. Our results suggest that polariton propagation is limited by the cavity lifetime and appears diffusive due to reversible population transfers between polaritonic states that propagate ballistically at their grou…

research product

Tracking Polariton Relaxation with Multiscale Molecular Dynamics Simulations

When photoactive molecules interact strongly with confined light modes in optical cavities, new hybrid light–matter states form. They are known as polaritons and correspond to coherent superpositions of excitations of the molecules and of the cavity photon. The polariton energies and thus potential energy surfaces are changed with respect to the bare molecules, such that polariton formation is considered a promising paradigm for controlling photochemical reactions. To effectively manipulate photochemistry with confined light, the molecules need to remain in the polaritonic state long enough for the reaction on the modified potential energy surface to take place. To understand what determine…

research product

Multiscale Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Polaritonic Chemistry.

When photoactive molecules interact strongly with confined light modes as found in plasmonic structures or optical cavities, new hybrid light-matter states can form, the so-called polaritons. These polaritons are coherent superpositions (in the quantum mechanical sense) of excitations of the molecules and of the cavity photon or surface plasmon. Recent experimental and theoretical works suggest that access to these polaritons in cavities could provide a totally new and attractive paradigm for controlling chemical reactions that falls in between traditional chemical catalysis and coherent laser control. However, designing cavity parameters to control chemistry requires a theoretical model wi…

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