Rizzuto F

Il racconto giornalistico del dolore tra emozioni, voyeurismo e indifferenza. Uno sguardo sugli effetti imprevisti dell’infotainment

The spectacularization of news, with the recent passage from “information to sensation” typical of emotainment, has made the question of the ethical dimension of newsmedia even more problematic, revealing unforeseen consequences, too often described as risks, of show perspective in journalistic narration. The issue of the social responsibility of the media is addressed through a critical reading of the “Italian declination” of the show- journalism, focusing on the question on the relationship between the vision of suffering offered to distracted viewers of planetary audiences and their concrete possibilities of a consequent action to stop them.

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Transmedia e informazione

The papers focuses on the potential collapse of the traditional gatekeeping function of news professionals. In the new digital ecosystem, journalists are more and more involved in new relationships with other social actors, who can become also producers and performers.

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Us against Them in the Italian Newsmedia

The article presents and analyzes the most important peculiarities of Italian newscoverage of strangers and migrants, underlining biases and prejudices.

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Mujeres y liderazgo político en la Península Ibérica y Italia

This article analyzes the image that the media offer about women who currently practice politics as a profession, focusing the field of study on Portugal, Spain and Italy. The work´s starting point is the inequality of treatment by sex, patented in different studies, together with a contextualization about the women´s participation women from those countries in political life throughout history, which in turn is framed in a more generic view of women and politics in Europe. It analyzes media´ strategies in relation to gender roles, biases and underlying stereotypes, as well as the use of language as a tool for constructing discourse around these issues. The conclusions are the survival of i…

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Le populisme dans le nouvel espace public médiatisé. L’anomalie italienne de la relation entre la politique et le journalisme

The article focuses on the peculiarities of the contemporary Italian populist parties, referring to the traditional political communication circuit and their recent transfomations.

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Comunicazione, disinformazione, relazioni

The pervasive use of digital media in journalism deeply changed both the content of news and the social meaning of profession. The issue of the presence of fake news in the web is addressed, focusing the question on the new relationship among readers, journalists and the truth.

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Reality versus Emotions in Italian Journalism

The article focuses on the recent shift from information to sensation in Italian journalism. The theme of the social responsability of the journalistic media is presented in connection with the recent changes of the digital media and their blurring of real and fiction, as well as of news narrative styles.

research product

The culture of communication in the public sector facing the challenge of digital media: an explorative research in Italy and France

The article focuses on the culture of communication in the public sector aiming at understanding its features and transformations facing the challenge of digital media. In the first part, a view of the international literature on communication in the public sector is presented. The strategic role played by communication in the public organizations is underlined as well as the institutionalization of social media in the management of communication with citizens and media. In the second part, a qualitative explorative research is illustrated. The study was conducted in Italy and France and consisted of 10 in-depth interviews with key figures in public sector communication: academics and profe…

research product

Il giornalismo nell'era della disinformazione

L’ascesa delle tecnologie digitali e dei social network, così come i loro effetti sui processi di produzione, ricerca e fruizione di informazioni non sono più una prospettiva riguardante il fu turo del giornalismo: i fenomeni sono già in atto, con tutti i risvolti problematici connessi agli entusiasmi tecnologici e alla diffusa assenza di regole nel far west della rete. La pervasività dei social nell’esperienza quotidiana dell’onlife e la significatività dei dati nelle pratiche di newsma king hanno aperto nuove possibilità per l’accesso e per la diffusione delle notizie, dando, però, spazio a un mix problematico di contenuti totalmente (o parzialmente) falsi o errati. Nel volume studiosi it…

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