Chiara Altieri
Vitamina D, ipertensione arteriosa e sistema renina-angiotensina
Relationship of Fetuin-A with Glomerular Filtration rate and endothelial dysfunction in hypertensives with moderate-severe chronic kidney disease.
Relazione tra fetuina-A, filtrato glomerulare (GFR) e disfunzione endoteliale in pazienti ipertesi con insufficienza renale cronica di grado moderato-severo
The Relationship between an Oxidative Stress Biomarker and Plasma Haemoglobin in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
Introduction: Evidence suggests that decreased haemoglobin plasma concentration may be a predictor of adverse cardiovascular events in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). We hypothesized that in CKD patients, oxidative stress could influence the development of cardiovascular damage via a relationship with haemoglobin levels. Methods: We assayed plasma levels of the biomarker of oxidative stress 8-ISO-prostaglandin F2α (8-ISO-PGF2α) and of haemoglobin in 193 stage 2–5 CKD patients, investigating their relationship. Eighty healthy subjects and 80 patients with primary hypertension having normal renal function were enrolled as controls. Results: The CKD group was divided according to 8…