F Ferrotti


During 2005/2006 a vineyards, located in south-west of Sicily (37° 60’ N – 12° 30 E), were subjected to five different soil managements: “conventional” ( T ) soil management using up to eight soil plowing with a five furrow plow; natural cover cropping ( N ), vetch cover cropping ( V ) (Vicia sativa L.); subclover cover cropping ( S ) (trifolium subterraneum var. Clare); medic cover cropping ( M ) (medicago polymorpha var. Santiago). In the layer 0-25 cm, soil moisture, total N, NO3, NH4, and soil organic matter were determined. Fresh and dry biomass weight, and total nitrogen percentage were determined on nine one square meter subplots for each thesis. Soil erosion was measured, using a Ge…

research product

Green manuring as sustainable management for southern Italy extensive cultivated areas

In the extensively-managed agricultural areas of Sicily, rainfall is often so limited that economically effective annual productions are not feasible. Bare fallow, the most extreme dry-farming technique, seems to be, under such conditions, the only suitable strategy. The introduction in these cropping systems of an annual legume to put early into the soil, as an alternative to bare fallow, may represent a technique able not only to prevent soil erosion, but also to improve the low soil organic matter reserves, with a direct benefit on the following yields and on the whole environment. The trial was aimed to verify the bioagronomical and qualitative behaviour of durum wheat managed under dif…

research product

Studio della variabilità bioagronomica di alcune popolazioni di lenticchia in un ambiente caldo arido mediterraneo

research product

Valutazione produttiva, merceologica e qualitativa di popolazioni siciliane di pomodoro da serbo e relativa variabilità.

research product