Selo Sulistyo
Model-Driven Development Approach for Providing Smart Home Services
Smart home is about the application of automation techniques for the comfort and security of residents' privately owned homes. In a smart home environment, different and independent embedded devices provide services that can be freely used by others, in the sense of service invocation. This paper presents our idea of using Model Driven Development (MDD) for the composition of existing services, by which we aim at demonstrating how new smart home services will be promoted.
Recursive modeling for completed code generation
Model-Driven Development is promising to software development because it can reduce the complexity and cost of developing large software systems. The basic idea is the use of different kinds of models during the software development process, transformations between them, and automatic code generation at the end of the development. But unlike the structural parts, fully-automated code generation from the behavior parts is still hard, if it works at all, restricted to specific application areas using a domain specific language, DSL.This paper proposes an approach to model the behavior parts of a system and to embed them into the structural models. The underlying idea is recursive refinements …
PMG-pro: A model-driven method for the development of service-based applications in a heterogenous services environment
This paper presents PMG-pro (present, model, generate and provide), a development method of service-based applications. With PMG-pro, the composition of heterogeneous pre-made services is done at model levels and thereby different executable software systems for different target platforms can be generated automatically. To illustrate the method, we present a case study of developing a service-based application in a smart home environment.
PMG-Pro: A Model-Driven Development Method of Service-Based Applications
Published version of a chapter published in the book: SDL 2011: Integrating System and Software Modeling. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-25264-8_12 In the Internet of Things, billions of networked and software-driven devices will be connected to the Internet. They can communicate and cooperate with each other to form a composite system. In this paper, we propose PMG-pro (present, model, generate and provide), a language independent, bottom-up and model-driven method for the development of such composite system. We envision that all devices in the Internet of Things provide their functionalities as services. From a service description, a service pre…
Model-driven and Compositional Service Creation in the Internet of Services
Doktorgradsavhandling i informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi, Universitetet i Agder, Grimstad, 2012 In the Future Internet, billions of devices will be connected to the Internet. Devices at any levels of hierarchy provide software functionality that can be used by others. We can call the device’s functionality a service, which in turn, introduces the concept of the Internet of Services. From the software developer perspectives, a new service can be created by utilizing services in the Internet of Services. An important issue of the creation of such service-based application is regarding their deployment method on personalized and embedded devices. For each device with different capabili…
MDA and integration of legacy systems
Masteroppgave i informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi 2003 - Høgskolen i Agder, Grimstad OMG’s Model Driven ArchitectureTM, MDATM, is the new paradigm of software development and a new way of writing specifications and developing applications, based on a platform-independent model (PIM). MDA divorces implementation details from business functions. Thus, it is not necessary to repeat the process of modeling of applications or system’s functionality and behavior each time a new technology comes along. With the MDA, it is easier to integrate the new applications with the old application that is already installed. In the real time distributed telecommunication system, MDA addresses the chall…
Model-based approaches for the development of event-based systems using embedded services
This paper presents a development use case of event-based system using (embedded) services specified in UPnP specification. Although we use only UPnP, we considered that the use case is also applicable for other (XML-based) service description technologies.
SCARKER: A sensor capture resistance and key refreshing scheme for mobile WSNs
How to discover a captured node and to resist node capture attack is a challenging task in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). In this paper, we propose a node capture resistance and key refreshing scheme for mobile WSNs which is based on the Chinese remainder theorem. The scheme is able of providing forward secrecy, backward secrecy and collusion resistance for diminishing the effects of capture attacks. By implementing our scheme on a Sun SPOT based sensor network testbed, we demonstrate that the time for updating a new group key varies from 56 ms to 546 ms and the energy consumption is limited to 16.5–225 mJ, depending on the length of secret keys and the number of sensors in a group.
FoSBaS: A bi-directional secrecy and collusion resilience key management scheme for BANs
Body Area Network (BAN) consists of various types of small physiological sensors, transmission modules and low computational components and can thus form an E-health solution for continuous all-day and any-place health monitoring. To protect confidentiality of collected data, a shared group key is usually deployed in a BAN, and consequently a secure communication group is generated. In this paper, we propose a bi-directional security and collusion resilience key management scheme for BAN, referred to as FoSBaS. Detailed analysis shows that the scheme can provide both forward security and backward security and resist against collusion attacks. Furthermore, the FoSBaS is implemented on a Sun …
Systems, models and languages
This paper presents a comparison of language aspects in a model and a meta-model. The motivation is to get a better understanding of how we should define a modeling language.