M. Picone
Verso una geografia per la partecipazione
This article introduces the contributions collected in the special issue no. 1/2018 of “geotema” and presented at the 4th Study Day on Territorial Identities (Rome, September 22nd, 2017), promoted by the homonymous research group of the A.Ge.I. (Associations of Italian Geographers). The paper aims at discussing some basic questions on participatory processes, in order to pursue four objectives: 1) to recall some of the main issues that revolve around the topic of citizen participation in territorial decision-making processes; 2) to specify the ties between territorial identity (as intended by the research group) and participatory processes; 3) to highlight the questions raised by the contri…
El Rol de planificadores urbanos en los colegios
In the urban planning discipline, active and ethical participation must include not only the adult segment of the population, but also younger people. However, many issues still have to be addressed in order to turn this theoretical approach into practice. This paper revolves around the overall role of the urban planning scholar. In particular, it reflects on the issue of how schoolchildren and young people develop a sense of belonging to their neighborhood, based on an action research held in a complex Southern Italian metropolis, Palermo, in the 2013-2015 period. A cooperative multidisciplinary work has allowed to thoroughly address this issue and to build the theoretical foundations of t…
The Real World in a Geographical Imagery: World of Warcraft as Playful Cartography?
World of Warcraft (WoW) is an extremely well-known and wide-spread virtual universe, populated by millions of people living, as of 2014, in 244 different countries, and so coming from different cultures. The game can be considered the final result of a half-century of growing interest in fantasy and virtual worlds; starting from Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. In the passage from book to videogame, fantasy has become an immersive experience that captures the player and forces him or her to revise their idea of how the world works. Everyone can read these worlds as simple games or, rather, through multifarious levels that show the connections between reality and virtuality. Our paper aims a…
Fuori Raccordo. Abitare l'altra Roma
il più recente lavoro di Carlo Cellamare e del suo gruppo interdisciplinare di ricerca, Fuori Raccordo, dialoga con i discorsi post-metropolitani di Soja per almeno due motivi. Il primo, e più banale, è che la ricerca s’inserisce all’interno di un progetto PRIN che ha per titolo Territori post-metropolitani come forme urbane emergenti: le sfide della sostenibilità, abitabilità e governabilità. Il secondo legame tra i sei discorsi di Soja e il volume di Cellamare è invece tematico. Il volume, infatti, non vuole descrivere l’urbs capitolina consolidata, ma quei brandelli di città che si perdono in una trama territoriale vasta e diffusa.
Il sostenibile ossimoro del GIS qualitativo
The Sustainable Oxymoron of Qualitative GIS This paper discusses the idea of a qualitative GIS, by presenting an experiment held in Palermo during the last few years. It first presents a theoretical framework on the shifting paradigms concerning maps and GIS, and then introduces the current debate on mixing qualitative and quantitative data and techniques of analysis in GIScience. By collecting mental maps representing the neighbourhoods of Palermo and inserting them within a traditional GIS structure, the author has warped these traditional representations in order to obtain a map which is less technically accurate, yet more complying with the perception of the citizens. These operations h…